With this post we would like to seek your latest experiences in regards to restaurant service charge in the last few months.As a reference, Please find attached the Restaurant Service Charge ...
Below are the key issues as identified by you in regards to auto renewal of services. Kindly review and share any additional inputs you have where your credit/debit card or net banking account is b...
It is very common problem that one orders an app taxi. The driver at last minute calls and says I wont do the trip but wont cancel the ride to not het dinged. Consumer who is an a hurry cancels it ...
The Telecom sector has seen a revolution in terms of Mobile Communication, today customers have options to choose from loads of Mobile operators available in the Indian Market, but is there a trans...
Please see attached. The box is 100 times the size of product which means more garbage, more trees
Before surgical processes and many other similar treatment procedures, patients and/or their relatives are bound or forced to sign a consent form having a generalized statement -'if something happ...
I would like to know what rules of consumer affairs or it ministry govern these marketplaces. If there is a fraud or a crime between the seller and buyer, who is responsible? If there are dire...
send an SMS 'UIDPAN<space><12 digit Aadhaar><space><10 digit PAN>' format to 567678 or 56161, to link Aadhaar with PAN,'
Some months back there was a discussion held in Swachh Bharat circle and the outcome was published by ministry and localcircles at link below
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