After sale Service problem for online purchase,My son has purchased a Xiaomi Redmi 2 Prime mobile,Order No.5160203155509652 on 04/02/2016,The defective piece (Camera is not working) was delivered o...
My friend, Jajijt Bhattacharya, bought a Dell 3148 Inspiron 3000 laptop on Monday Feb 15th, for his daughter's birthday. However, the WiFi stopped working on Tuesday night. He tried to e...
I have earlier brought to the notice of local circle members the fact that messages from service providers can't be saved in our mobiles. All service providers give a message after each call...
Unfortunately there is no neutral unbiased system umpire in this country to address the serious complains deceiving/tricky flaws in the services by the service providers,such as TRAI (for users) an...
Several of you have raised having issues with BSNL connections as outlined in the attached. Kindly share your full land line number with area code and your city by responding to this post. All aggr...
I am living in Arakonam of Tamilnadu state. In my house Internet c is BSNL Broadband. For the last 3 months Internet connection is being broken frequently so I can not download any thing. Du...
Greetings to the group. This is not a grievance as such, its more a request for assistance. I had sold a 2 wheeler way back in 2003 and executed appropriate documentation. However I sudde...
I am a subscriber of airtel DTH service. Whenever I want to add a channel or remove one, I have to call customer care and wait at least 5 to 10 minutes for getting/updating subscription, about 8 mo...
Hi, I had one data card from Reliance. One 26 Oct 2015 I had sent an email to RCom to cancel d connection. But, they keep sending bills. Now they are sending legal notice through their lawyer ...
Note - The email can sometime gets delivered to the spam folder, so the instruction will be send to your mobile as well