Govt levies Road Tax on vehicles through various RTOs. Hence, having levied the Road Tax, the govt must provide serviceable roads, irrespective of the mode (govt or PPP or BPT), without extra co...
Yes I also supports,More over plastics should be categorized as per applications/use.Now a days plastic has substituted many of day to days life Be it industries,Home,Food and so on so forth. Speci...
As many single use plastic products get replaced like straws, cutlery, polythene, People are trying different alternatives. For example people are making disposable plates and bowls spoons etc with...
Has BIS defined standards for milk powder in India? 1 kg of milk powder costs over 400 rupees. Is this because of monopoly of nestle or is it genuinely this expensive?? We ne...
BIS please make sure if you make any standards for medical devices in India, you take inputs of patients, doctors and experts. You do not have enough people on your rolls for such speci...
WHO CARES FOR ORDINARY MEN?BUT ORDINARY MEN IS GENERALLY gifted WITH strong IMMUNITY.HOW MUCH ppm chlorine is added in water. do we check it in our water much chlorine is added in water ...
Today there is news where Consumer Affairs Minister himself is saying that Delhi Jal Board water in Delhi does not meet standards and is not drinkable. Why in the first places have thes...
Hindware chimneys are being imported from china with wrong specification in means of measures of airflow and are being sold to consumer all over india. Asci has upheld add and consumer forum has te...
Doctors write prescriptions which are just scribbled & not readable. Doctors should give prescriptions in print in order to : 1. Patient need not visit doctor again for issue of medicines...
I would like to know what is the status of the Service Standards creation project in Bureau of Indian Standards. Earlier this year when this was announced, a hope was generated that perhaps BIS wil...
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