Dear Friends: Several of you have written to us on the subject issue. With this post, we would like to seek your inputs on issues related to Medical Labs. We would appreciate...
1. There is no online system of getting appointment with Doctors. 2. Govt. should appoint more staff in every AIIMs. There should be a facility to call AIIMS staff / Doctor, with lab at...
With this post we would like all members to list key issues faced by citizens at AIIMS Delhi. Once we know the issues, we will reviews causes and identify solutions and share the same wi...
मच्छर मानवता के लिए एक बड़ा गंभीर खतरा है। मलेरिया, डेंगू, चिकनगुनिया, आदि ऐसी कई बीमारियां मच्छर द्वारा फैलती हैं। हम में से ज्यादातर लोग मच्छरों को मारने के लिए रासायनिक कीटनाशकों का इस्तेमाल करत...
1. Dr.Jacob, Ortho, Laxmi Hospital, Cochin 2. Dr.Surendran, Pediatrician, Gautam Hospital, Cochin
I think Sumedha has started a great exercise of asking everyone to list their top Doctors - I think it should be who we like or go to list. We must be happy that's why we go to them. Th...
Who are top specialists in Delhi and NCR for cardiology and neurology? Please share references and if you have direct experience please share more details. I need to take my father to a cardio and ...
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