Even mysore reported 600+ cases. Totally out of control. Utter failure of politicians and government machinery in karanataka. Once we have 60000 case we will have chaos of unprecedented proportions...
This morning Siddharamaiah has announced he has Covid 19. Our leaders are not being careful. “ Yatha Raja, Tatha Praja” Attached case details for all districts of Karnataka. ...
It's horrifying that in Bengaluru, authorities are not aware of the whereabouts of 4,500 Covid positive patients. BBMP Commissioner admits these patients are 'missing'! Which means Healt...
Our cases keep rising and Govt remains clueless. Attached detailed reports by district. Be safe everyone. Dont go to movies gyms temple mosques churches even if Govt permits
5072 new COVID_19 cases in Karnataka. 2036 cases found just in Bangalore. 72 deaths due to coronavirus. Attached data by district. Impose full complete lockdown for next 30 days.
BBMP sealing done in one of the buildings for a confirmed Covid case. Lady with 2 small children, next door neighbours are an aged couple. What if there is a fire ? Understand the need for contain...
New Cases -5,030 In Bengaluru - 2,207 Discharges-2,071 Deaths- 97 Deaths in Bengaluru-47 Total number of cases- 80,863 Total death count-1,616 Total cases i...
Attached report. Bad situation 4,169 new COVID-19 cases and 104 deaths reported today, taking total number of cases to 51,422 cases. Bengaluru reported 2344 new cases and 70 deaths ...
WHILE HEARING A P.I.L : Here is a case of death of a family member of an employee of Karnataka H.C. The registrar made desperate attempts for 3 hours to get information of Hospitals havi...
1500 plus in Bangalore alone. I am glad lockdown has been announced. There are some even in this circle who believe lockdown wont help. Can you please explain why. If everyone stays where they are ...
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