A day after India reported more than 2,000 cases in a day, attached is a look at data from 9 countries and you can find that, despite less stringent lockdowns, new cases began declining within 30 d...
I shared in other circle but sharing here also. I really hope state govt and local administrators do the right thing and have their eyes and ears on the ground in near real time. Police should be s...
Amid the COVID-19 pandemic, India’s response to natural disasters is expected to be tested again this summer when a giant locust storm from the Horn of Africa is expected to attack farmlands ...
Can all the district magistrates be invited to this circle. There is way too much confusion we have about whats allowed where. Even you local circle survey is saying that.
300 of the COVID 19 RECOVERED THABLIGHIS HAVE COME FORWARD TO DONATE ON THE APPEAL OF THEIR MOULANA (leader ). It is the way of expressing gratitude towards the selfless care given to f...
Please see attached. Share your inputs on whether the covid 19 lockdown relaxation should work at a state level or district level. I feel state level there are no borders between districts in a sta...
AT THIS STAGE TO PREVENT ENTRY INTO STAGE 3 OF COVID . India is terribly short of testing kits , Treatment Infra structures like , Beds, IC.U’s, Ventilators , PPE’s for the ...
Pictures from Juhapura and Kalupur areas of Ahmedabad show busy streets earlier today, ahead of start of Ramzan. This is just not acceptable. People may not realise and get carried away ...
India is Lucky with this Government Planning and Controls of Corona Virus . See the Tables of 6 Weeks . FOLLOW STRICTLY THE ORDERS OF GOI Please .
Yesterday 53 Journalists were found Corona Positive in Mumbai. All of them were asymptomatic. It could only be known as mass tests of all journalists were done in Mumbai. All journalist...
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