This program proposed by LocalCircles Manager where we get everyone equipped with a mask is so very important. Attached mask guidance by WHO issued just now. 2 in 3 of us using cloth mask is basica...
And recover from user charges if they cant afford but the point is given that 1 in 5 people testing covid positive has omicron a set process must be used. Giving people options to pick between PCR...
15-20% less likely to need hospital care with omicron v delta if you’ve had covid before, 50-60% less likely BUT risk of hospitalisation same for delta & omicron if you’...
the Govt has released its lockdown guidelines but i think they are failing to estimate Omicron properly as before. Given poor testing in India if tpr hits 2% we should lock it. Even our survey ppl ...
States with an increase in the RT values on December 19th as compared to Dec 13th are Bihar, Madhya Pradesh, Maharashtra, Uttarakhand, Tripura, Tamil Nadu, Assam, Odisha, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh...
Congratulations circle members. What u started in 2017 got approved in lok sabha today amid protests by opposition
In 2nd wave most people could not get a test done. Also in some states there were order by the Govt to private labs to test less so numbers stay low. What are we doing to ensure Govt mak...
I think if i read this survey right 73% people are in support of district level restrictions or lockdown if cases growing week over week and TPR is 5% Everyone i think we the educated in...
Attached is the latest briefing of WHO on Omicron. India should use this as a reference but make its own decision on flights. If it makes sense to shut international flights please do so.
LocalCircles Manager has put in a highly relevant poll this morning about what should happen with international and domestic flights. Everyone read this background below from a friend and then vote...
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