The farmers are agitating for the last 20 days against the New Farm Laws passed bt the Parliament. Government may consider taking following steps to end the agitation by farmers: 1. Keep ...
This piece by SA Aiyar makes a lot of sense. Farmers though are braving the weather and protesting, they are in the wrong. If the ‘MSP is guaranteed the grains will be eaten by rodents becaus...
Government should not yield to farmers. The pan card, Aadhar card, voters card and passport of all these so called farmer leaders must be cancelled and their bank accounts should be blocked.
Dear PM Sir, The agitation of farmers are going on now what we can do is to withdraw it for a certain time period. Give them the assurance again this matter will be discussed with each f...
Need of the hour is for Punjab’s farmer to move from demanding MSP to producing fruits veggies and other cereals beyond rice and wheat and the Government must help with the transition. I am m...
1. Farmers to have Right to Sell their Produce anywhere in India Enjoying Provisions of Article 19. 2 Farmers to be permitted to Export their Produce directly under Central Export Council/Com...
The Aadhar card and pan cards and voters card as well as passports of all farmer leaders must be immediately cancelled.
The so called farmers have said NO to the Govt proposal and are threatening to cause disruption in different parts of Delhi and India. This is ridiculous. Attached is what the govt has proposed whi...
1.State Political Parties not to be allowed to control Sale Prices of Farm Produces. States not to Restrict Sale of Agri Products to Other States at Higher Rates. 2. Mediators, Contractors, Ag...
Those individuals who are recovered from Covid, whether symptomatic or not, are immune from reinfection for a considerable period. Currently, 11 months after the emergence of SARS-CoV-2, more than ...
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