Ever heard of a business, which is a monopoly, has a 100 crore customer base, sales only on advance payment, some times even 2 months advance, capacity utilization more then 100 %, but still makes ...
Train Fare Issues - People from Middle Income Group, they can manage their expenses & Higher Middle Income group doesn't bother much about it. I am more worried about people who are earning 5 t...
Only way to control artificial price rise is to have a centrally governed strong public distribution system and takes the responsibility of enhancing the supply of any commodity in short supply in ...
To start the discussion on agriculture, I give an article below titled 'Lessons learnt' about Rain water harvesting. Read the article and give your comments on how these techniques can be replicate...
Dear Friends, Thank you for your inputs on the Priorities and the 4 detailed discussions. I have been personally forwarding the collective circle inputs to the PMO and the Ministries. <...
1:- to avoid layer of railway agent, start tracking ip address from where bulk reservation are coming from. 2: - start tracking credit card information number which is used for bulk reservat...
a)Everyone using the railway service need to be paid and this needs to be audited. (Currently this is at the worst stage) I believe currently only few people are charged and rest does not pay at a...
Air India, existing since Independence is a burden on the Govt. Most inefficient airline compared to many other airlines. Civil Aviation Ministry's role should be only policy making & not ...
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