One of the key aspects of Governance which Mr Modi has chosen is to develop a plan for providing 'Health Assurance' for all the citizens. This is a critical requirement of the community...
Friends, Please share all inputs on immediate priorities for the next Government by May 14th and we will submit the consolidated inputs to Mr. Modi by May 16th. Help spr...
At start, we should not expect major changes in policy because it requires debate in parliament. but we can start change in little things like: 1. Making police friendly and able to cont...
We need to create a very strong IT Infrastructure for Public, Government and Military use. Current organization NIC is not strong and is acting like Doordarshan. 1. Break monopoly of Goo...
One great task that can generate huge employment potential is the Underground Drainage system and the drain water treatment for recycling. This task needs to be taken up at all India basis and pro...
We should talk about broad issues only to the PM. Details have to be taken up with respective ministries. My views are: 1. There should a weekly decision to simplify rules and regulations of e...
WHY DO PEOPLE HAVE HIGH HOPES BUT VERY HIGH HOPES from Narendra Modi, and want all the ills to rectified in one go, and I feel it is not possible, but accumulated ills will take its own time plus ...
Suggested Short term Agenda of the Govt.:- 1> Price Rise control – setting Up Price stabilization Fund immediately. Strict law and fast track courts for black marketers as committed b...
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