Animal Husbandry and Fisheries 0 000
Animal Husbandry and Fisheries
2.33 / 5 3 Reviews
Andhra Pradesh, India
Fast improvement is necessary. Diversification is needed
I feel that the powers that be give a thought to issues raised by Anita N and take remedial action if not at once , may be in a phased manner.
It is unfortunate that once again we have animals on the streets putting the life of animals and humans in danger. It is time those who have animals in towns and cities were properly regulated. They should ideally not be allowed to sit or walk on roads causing traffic jams and causing harm.
The conditions and the treatment of these animals in animal sheds and shelters needs to be monitored and regulated. These animals live in extremely unhygienic and unsanitary conditions. It is time all these privately run and govt run institutions were brought under a regulating body and were monitored
Lakes across the state are so polluted and a lot of them have been land filled for illegal construction. A large volume of fish, birds species etc have become extinct. Does the dept have any plans to revive these lakes and the fish population in these lakes.
The fisheries dept should also monitor the shops that sell fish and other meats and regulate the rates of the same. A lot of the govt run and private fish stores are a health hazard and extremely unsanitary. Does the dept have any plans of bringing their depts under the Swachh Bharat program.
The workers in the dept are extremely corrupt and performance processes need to be identified and implemented across board.
Private parties / NGOs can be given lakes to manage and to maintain the ecosystem around the lakes. Obviously the govt has neither the time nor the inclination at the moment.

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