BSNL - Faridabad 0 000
BSNL - Faridabad
3.25 / 5 4 Reviews
BSNL Faridabad, Haryana, India
As per telecom regulations, the service provider is supposed to raise last bill on termination of the connection only after adjustment of security deposit. However BSNL seems to be violating the same and possibly are not aware of the regulations. Secondly the telephone remaining dead for more than 3 days of the complaint, the bills should have rental rebate as per regulations. BSNL is not following the regulation. The complaints raised are also not responded to.
AIRTEL - .Network poor in some areas / Data Useage billed is much more than actual/ many drop calls. Bills appear to be escalated.
BSNL is doing better these days. They attend promptly but I think under ground work like laying proper and permanent ducts in the streets where ever they have not done is required for better services so that cable can reach every house. They are not supposed to dig every other day for laying cables which also affects other amenities like water and sanitation.
Still Fairly good service overall even though the BSNL is struggling with aging staff. When it comes to customer interaction, still it is sarkari but system is much better and much ahead of competitors.

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