Delhi Jal Board (DJB) 0 000
Delhi Jal Board (DJB)
1.30 / 5 10 Reviews
Delhi, India
No action in last 2years for bad water or less/no water supply complaints via 1916 helpline and Kapil Mishra's Twitter handle. He didn't even reply
In Many Areas there are Complaints about Irregularity in Water Supply and its cleanliness also and people are paying to Private Companies to get Drinking Water in Bottles I mean no surety of Purity of Water Supply. Our Government has to take care of Public Health First then the Medicines and Hospitals or Clinics affairs.Mostly people are busy in supplying Water Bottles with so many BRANDS name but do we have any Vigilance on such Companies regarding Quality of Water as they Claims its Purity.
ALL CPWD houses which are under repair/renovation and not occupied by the allottee, the water connection is left open by the laborers /contractor undertaking work of renovation and thus either he pay to the officials for use of water or he commit theft and drinking water go waste which is double loss.
It can be charged from the contractor and should stopped the wastage of water.
Most of the water meters which are unservicable should be replaced immediately so that correct water meter reading can be taken and can be charged accordingly.
water Supply not upto mark ,many time lot of foul smell, may be some sewers mixing in water
Delhi Jal Board may be doing good job but their supply department is making mess of supply. Where some influential people are staying water supply is made at convenient timing and for sufficient time period[06:30 AM to 07:30 AM] but in some area there is no timing[ evening 8 PM may or may not be and between 11:45 PM to 03:30 AM any time .i have been contacting authorities and received the reply as under

[Final action taken, Reminder/Clarification can not be sent]
Status as on 02 Sep 2015
Registration Number : GNCTD/E/2015/03119
Name Of
: Vijay Mehta
Date of Receipt : 14 May 2015
Received by : Government of NCT of Delhi
Forwarded to : SE South Jal Sadan Jal Vihar Lajpat Nagar
Contact Address : Jal Sadan,
Jal Vihar, Lajpat Nagar,
New Delhi110024
Contact Number : 29810956
details regarding water supply is not normal in day time only supply of water in night any time between 1:00
AM to 3:30 Pm
Current Status : CASE CLOSED
Your Feedback : Excellent
Date of Action : 01 Sep 2015
Details : Delhi Jal Board (DJBOM) reported that Water supply is normal. Mr.Vivek srivastava, Nodal Officer DJB

upon again writing reply is we can not guaranty any time for water supply time.

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