Department of Agriculture and Co-operation 0 000
Department of Agriculture and Co-operation
2.15 / 5 20 Reviews
New Delhi
The Plant Quarantine Department is not responsive. Applications for imports of ordinary products that are part of everyday food are not responded. At the same time we want to be internationally competitive and attract foreign tourists. Foreign tourists after eating Indian food for few days will want to consume their local fare too.

Imports of simple products like powder chili and powder coffee are not permitted, even though all the data required has been submitted long ago.
Our country is an agricultural country. Our farmers show less interest in farming because the overhead cost of farming is more than the value of their farm produce. Most of the farm lands particularly in Odisha are either lying barren or plotted for residential purposes without any out put due to lack of proper irrigation including bore-well, illiteracy, lack of manpower(laborers) in rural areas due to vote bank policies like Rs.2 per kg rice, Rs.5 per meal etc., menace of pigs, monkeys etc., lack of proper training to farmers(other than statistics), lack of proper marketing of agricultural produce, non-adoption of techniques of modern farming like Israel, less subsidy to farmers on electricity, manure, fertilizers, seeds and agricultural equipment. Both the Central and State Govts. should look into the matter and ensure actual development of the farmers through pro farmer policies and see that the policies are actually reaching the farmers for their development. If agriculture is developed, then India is developed.
need to educate farmers to adopt co-operative agriculture. small farmers life can not improve as they can not afford latest and costly methods of farming. also need to guide farmers which crop is more profitable for their soil and environment conditions. need to guide them to grow crops as normal instead of increasing or decreasing their growing trends with previous year market condtions.
- Farmers need help with more market options and also transportation options.
- Prices need to be set by the govt in consultation with the farmers
- Stop giving money loans to farmers....give them seeds and fertilizer as per the land registered.
- More communication with farmers - remove the middle men who are spreading false information and wrong information to the farmers.

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