Department of Defence Production 0 000
Department of Defence Production
3.78 / 5 9 Reviews
New Delhi
No transparency in its dealing and lethargy and no reduction in corruption in decision mading
India should be self reliant in defence production. Why are we still fully dependent on others. A long way to go.
I agree with Rajesh kumar
In Deptt of Defence Production (DDP), there is two vital wings related with Production and Quality. OFB is entrusted with the production and DGQA is engaged to look after the Quality of the Defence Stores. Both the organizations have their goals and targets but the aim should be same for them. There should be parity in working of both the organizations but sorry to say there's lot of difference of opinion among these two. Government / Ministry of Defence should intervene in the issues of differences, work culture, Quality Standards. Both organizations must understand that they are on the services to national defense. They should not act as incorporporations to sell their brands. Policies are entirely different in both inspite they belong to same father (DDP). I earnestly request to Government to take steps to abolish the different policies adopted by the OFB and DGQA and make policies which are equally applicable to both the organizations.
Jai Hind

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