Dr Kirit Somaiya (Member of Parliament - MP Mumbai-North-East)

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Dr Kirit Somaiya (Member of Parliament - MP Mumbai-North-East)
2.67 / 5 9 Reviews
I have herd him on TV and he speaks sense
Previously Mr. Kirit Somaiya used to visit Ghatkopar and talk about development. Since long time, he is not seen in Ghatkopar. Reason best known to him. May be Pravin Chheda has gone to Congress and he is not in good term with Prakash Mehta. Although a good and knowledgable man, now a days, his out reach is less.
Its not only Dr Kirit Somaiya, MP but all MPs of Mumbai should have taken up the cause of levy of 18% GST on Coop Housing societies (CHS). Peculiarity is even if Society collects CAPEX FUNDS they are also subject to GST. Further services provided to Coop Housing societies like Security & Housekeeping should be exempted from GST.

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