GHMC - Greater Hyderabad Municipal Corporation 0 000
Very efficient in collecting property taxes, trade licence fees etc. but extremely poor in giving service for the monies charged.
1.29 / 5 7 Reviews
Circle 10, Errumanzil Somajiguda Hyderabad
Absolutely right in a way! Looks due employees strike, may be they are unable to service well. All the best!
Please note the online complaint grievance handling system is pathetic. Most of the time the officials close the cases without solving the problem. My online complaint W057496 has been doing the rounds among officials of GHMC ,right from the top of ladder to the bottom. But still no redress to problem
Only a few VIP area roads are maintained well. Rest all other residential roads are allowed to be dug wildly by anyone anytime without filling up again. No maintenance of roads, drainages, parks, childrens playing equipment in parks, footpaths. Half of road is covered by mud & sand..
hosts beggar opposite its office , provides open to sky toilets on main roads all round its office, promotes garbage spreading and sorting on all roads, poor at Garbage collection,
am in circle 1, without influence u won't get roads, drainage nd other eminities but prompt in collecting taxes

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