MCG has the installed the LED lights on the streets of South City-1 - N, O, P, Q and other blocks. Thanks to MCG. However, the trees on the streets are restrict the light at several places. The trees on streets and parks in N and O block needs trimming to improve the quality of street lights. MCG is requested to take action for trimming trees and all parks and streets of South City-1.....
Street Lights from hero honda chowk to himgiri chowk are in poor condition 0nly few are working and most of the time these few will also not working.
------- Edited on 2015-10-28 -------
Bus stand area is full of encroachment There is no space left behind for pedestrians which are in thousands of count. I have a suggestion construct a control room and deploy a dedicated team for removing any kind of encroachment Kindly install a high definition camera over Maharaja Aggersen chowk and Mahavir chowk so that team could notice all kind of activities including encroachment and traffic problem.This is really helpful for traffic police as well as for Gurgaon police.But all this will be done only if MCG or HUDA step out form their office .