DHBVN service is pathetic. Particularly this season power cuts are very frequent. A light rain or wind is a good excuse for them to cut power off, which then takes hours to restore. Even otherwise, one can expect power cuts throughout the day - sometimes for 15 minutes, sometimes for upto 4-5 hours. The standard reasons given by helpline no.18001804334 is 'fault' or 'maintenance'. Its no use calling JE or SDO as they either dont take the call or their nos. are switched off. I feel we are just paying bills to DHBVN without any quality service. As for billing, the last bills they sent on average without any reading. When asked their staff and CA said reading is the responsibility of another private agency on contract. I had to spend half a day to first get the reading corrected, then get a fresh bill printout and then stand in the queue to pay the bill. And this is not the first time. Once they sent a bill with wrong reading, I was asked to first pay the bill after which they will to the adjustment. I have nothing personal against anybody, but most of the DHBVN staff is Haryanvi jaats who are rude non-coo[perative and dont know a word of 'customer service'.