Ola Taxi

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Ola Taxi service at Chennai
1.00 / 5 1 Reviews
53 Surya Avenue, Arunan Nagar Extn, Puthur, Tiruchirappalli
I started using Ola taxi service, based on the rate and punctuality. Recently there is a message that run time charge will be applied. I din't understood at the first instant. When I took Ola taxi at Chennai, the minimum charges and KM rating was given. The run time charge is Re 1/- per minute. If your travel time is 30 minutes, Rs 30/- will be added to the charge. As I took the taxi in the morning around 9.30 on a holiday, and the road was fairly free of traffic. The driver was going at the speed of around 40 to 50Km. I was thinking that the driver is good and hence he is travelling at slow speed. But at the end he took minutes to travel 6.4 KM that resulted in adding Rs29/- run time charge. Normally other Taxi's add charges for waiting at signal. But this practice is new way of camouflaging the the rate. So the difference is not much with other taxi service. Earlier Ola used to charge peak time rate of 20% extra. So they shall limit the charge of run time with stipulated distance and time. Otherwise, the driver will drive very slowly

------- Edited on 2015-12-28 -------

On 24 December, 2014 we booked uber taxi to go to Bangalore City Railway station from Haralur. We just started @ 4.50PM to take the train at 7 PM.
The driver at the start itself he took a detour, and I thought he was taking a better road. After that we really din't not look at the he was taking. When we got stuck up in the religious procession, we noticed that we were in Jayanagar. The driver never bothers to inform, when asked about the rout , but he was all along talking over mobile with his friends, may be. The rout further was through, chamraj nagar, T Pet, Mysore road and finally when we reached the station, the train was already left. The fare we lost is over Rs 3000/-Thanks to new rule, we don't get any refund from Railways.
The entire travel he really din't bother to look at the GPS. We complained to Uber,and they apologised. we R planning to go to consumer court, for the trauma we faced. Entire vacation got spoiled

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