Pune Police

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Pune Police
2.56 / 5 9 Reviews
Pune Police Headquarters, Pune, India 411005
this is lie a coin, only on side is shown, why you pay without own default and then blame , instead state an event
so every citizen relies and follow
Worst experience can't trust. I hate Indian police and heir rules.
Pune Police are working hard but Still under Pressure of Local Politicians. They should allow to work & fight against Gunda Raj in free atmosphere. Some area of Pune is still should get cover with strengthening strong support from Government Bodies. CCTV Project still under implementation after many years. Even for Traffic Police. They only concentrate on collection of Penalties from fault drivers instead of concentrating on Traffic Control in some area in heart of city.
Personally I must say that cops are very helping. Whenever I complain about big noise in my area Police have stopped it in 15 min. In case of robbery in our house police took pains to find out the persons and returned my money stolen by them. They are really doing wonderful job!
Watching Crime Patrol I have realized how good our Pune police works. I am proud of them. I do agree that there are problems in every department but at the same time there is no doubt that Pune Police is working hard to make Pune a better place.
Traffic situation in Pune has worsened but I do not think its Traffic Polic to be blamed. I think its poor governance. For example the BEST bus routes have created more problems than doing any good.

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