Southern Railways 0 000
2.00 / 5 10 Reviews
Chennai, Tamil Nadu, India
Please put proper sign boards up to boarding point and improve pantry services because every one hesitate buy products
Most of the coaches run in Southern Railways are pathetic in ergo and quality. They are seemingly some discarded coaches from northern railways. Dirty toilets (bio toilets are the worst with improper designs and non existent gas ventilation), misaligned or missing curtains within coaches, dirty roofs and air-conditioning ducts, the coaches are many a times not dis-infested in time giving passengers a hard time shooing away insects and rats away.
Chennai central is in a very shabby state.
Platforms tiles are already broken and patched up.
Low quality material and shoddy workmanship.
Money is being wasted
The trains run in this Railway Zone are better operated in terms of neatness compared to other Zones and contributing to swatch Bharat movement.

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