Transmission Corporation of Telangana - Secunderabad 0 000
Transmission Corporation of Telangana - Secunderabad
2.33 / 5 9 Reviews
Transmission Corporation of Telangana, Secunderabad, Telangana, India
Power supply has improved a lot,compared to last two years.The shutdowns are few.Fluctuations are few.While thunders and lightening happening care is well taken.
OK - It is not bad
Did you hear the news saying that few (17 in number) admitted patients at govt hospital died because of power cut? How ridiculous is it? Forget we have a system to prosecute the people who were responsible for those innocent lives?
Gram Panchayat, Kompally Secunderabad 500014, indulges in open burning of garbage. It is causing severe air pollution. The garbage is burnt near tress, as a result of which the full grown tree trunks get damaged and the trees die within a few weeks. The Class 4 employees and the supervisors need to undergo special training and motivation courses. Even the Panchayat members require training.
In Kondapur area the supply these days has become horrible.. When it goes and it comes no body knows. Our Flats we use to spend Rs. 2000 for diesel per month now last two months it is costing 8 to 10 thousands. This will indicate the position of power supply. Govt claims full power availability and ground reality is different.

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