Whenever I make an online purchase or payment, the money is immediately deducted from my account and credited into the account of the payee, who then immediately confirms receipt and subsequently f...
SERVICE CHARGES from CONSUMERS by HOTELS/ RESIDENTS - Dated 21st April 2017 : I am attaching this information after several posts from members with proof of charging S.C . so boldly by the H...
I think we had discussed airline cancellation and other airline issues in this circle. I request everyone to read the draft charter issued by Govt of India Civil Aviaiton Ministry and share their c...
I understood that after the new rules from Jan 18 airlines also had to comply with one product one price. Many airlines are still selling food at random prices 2-5 times prices in the m...
It was and is a known thing that the Governments enacts/ frames the rules and regulations for the business houses and business houses invents new methods how to violate. It seems now th...
This will be Rs 11.77 per litre on petrol and Rs 13.47 on diesel and is the need of the hour. Request consumer afffair ministry and LocalCircles to escalate our concern to Finance Minist...
Hi everyone, I have come across many articles on the policy of service charge levied by restaurants in Gurgaon. However, I see no changes in this policy in the restaurants I have visited so far. <...
The restaurant service charge instance have declined in last 1 year but many still charge it, like in Noida. Can the Dept of Consumer Affairs write to major hotel, country clubs asking t...
It may not be cheating always. It could be clerical error in feeding price in the system. What is required is after you pointed out, they should immediately correct the same in the system. You may ...
I bought Tasty treat pasta with Mrp 75/- and when i cross checked with Bill it was charged Rs 85/- after complaining with Big Bazaar customer cell they said taker refund of Rs10/- and rest ...
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