EVERYTHING IS NEGOTIABLE When applying for a credit card you can actually negotiate for a lower APR or annual percentage rate. One can also adjust our due date depending upon your cash flow. T...
I placed one online order for buying HP laptop from HP Online store. Paid the advance booking money and promised that I shall get the laptop within 3/4 weeks time. However now about 45 days passed ...
We need to reverse the categorisation of home buyers in the financial creditors category. Recently, the Union Cabinet approved, by an ordinance, amendments to the Insolvency and Bankrupt...
At the outset consumer protection act of 1986 needs immediate amendment & the consumer law should be much more stringent as in past 5-7 years e commerce has flourished to the extent that offlin...
It seems ICICI is starting to freeze bank accounts. A friend just shared on her social media that her accounts have been frozen. Can consumer affairs ministry take this up with RBI? Is there a RBI ...
Sub standard toys from china are still selling in India without any BIS ISO compliance. Is the ministry of commerce not keen on limiting such chinese imports to India. Poor chinese quali...
Below are some of the key issues raised by you in regards to food related eCommerce sites and apps.Kindly review the same and help identify solutions that must be implemented to make these apps mor...
Below are some of the solutions, root causes and issues raised by you in regards to air conditioning services. Please review and share any additional inputs you may have. We look forward to yo...
A news report appeared wherein a user of the mobile died while using in the rain. The video is posted here. It is better if we can avoid use of mobile during thunderstorm and rains to protect ourse...
Using ATM card of your spouse /friend or any other person for transacting at ATM is unauthorised transaction and hence the Banks would not be liable for non-dispensing of the money from the money d...
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