Noida Police to punish parents if minors found driving, fine of up to Rs 25,000. The police have warned up to Rs 25,000 fine, potential legal action against parents or guardians of underage drivers...
UP is a puzzle but Ayodhya is even worse. They've got temples, hotels, jobs, and an airport - what more do they need? Are you aware that Faizabad (that includes Ayodhya town)...
Yesterday a 25 year old died at the water park in great india place mall in noida and there were no safety arrangements. The young man drowned. I am putting this here so fellow residents...
Request to State Government that along with smart cities please construct one DOG City , where all Stray Dogs from state can be kept and all Dog lovers can visit that city as per their suitable ti...
Administration of Noida and lift department of UP have been the worst in maintenance of lifts. Central govt has also failed in this matter. Every week we have lift crashes in Noida. The LocalCircle...
Please see attached everyone. These fight for feeding stray dogs inside societies putting fellow residents to risk is just ridiculous. The dm in Noida has failed to address this. I want to know how...
Delhi has issued attached notification where manufacturing stocking and sale of crackers is banned. Can UP which is as polluted do it too? Why not?
कल ग़ाज़ियाबाद में कुत्ते काटने से एक और मौत। 14 साल के बच्चे को एक महीने पहले काटा। अंत में रैबिज से दर्दनाक मौत। कुत्ते काटने की वारदात तेज़ी से बढ़ी है। सभी को मिलकर इस समस्या का हल निकालना...
यूपी के कैबिनेट मंत्री धर्मपाल सिंह को ट्रेन पकड़नी थी। बारिश भी हो रही थी। क्या करते दिव्यांगों के चलने वाला रैंप ही सही, गाड़ी तो चढ़कर जाएगी ही। मंत्रियों के साथ यह सब चलता रहता है। आम आदमी बेवक...
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