Disqualify MLA & MPs having charges for crime against women

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Disqualify MLA & MPs having charges for crime against women and select fresh candidate without charges through Bye-election.

Rape has been used as a tool by our political leaders (not all) to control their area of influence. This mentality and activities have been raised and shown by our film makers, media, social sites time and again.
Unfortunately, due to deaf & dumb attitude of our Law makers, Judiciary, Industrialists, Entrepreneurs, Educationists, Sports Personnel, Celebrities who are daily influencing our activities, this heinous crime became a regular affair and to some a source of entertainment.

Let us join hands to first clean the parliament and Bidhansabhas and other institutions will follow.

Read the media report below:
Crime against women: BJP tops in MPs, MLAs facing cases, Cong 2nd, says ADR

The number of Lok Sabha election candidates with cases of crimes against women went up from 38 to 126, an increase of 231 percent.
BS Web Team/PTI | New Delhi Last Updated at December 10, 2019 16:45 IST
The BJP has the highest number of 21 lawmakers facing cases related to crime against women, followed by Congress (16) and YSRCP (7), according to election watchdog Association for Democratic Reforms (ADR).The number of Lok Sabha MPs with cases related to crimes against women has increased from two in 2009 to 19 in 2019, it also said."There are three MPs and six MLAs who have declared cases related to rape... In the last five years, recognised parties have given tickets to 41 candidates who declared cases related to rape," an ADR report said.In the past five years, the BJP gave tickets to 66 candidates facing cases of crime against women to contest Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and state assemblies elections.
The Congress fielded 46 such candidates and Bahujan Samaj Party 40.The ADR and National Election Watch said it analysed 4,822 out of 4,896 election affidavits of current MPs (759) and MLAs (4063).The number of Lok Sabha election candidates with cases of crimes against women went up from 38 to 126, an increase of 231 percent, during the period, the report said.West Bengal reported the highest number of MPs/MLAs (16) who declared cases of crimes against women, followed by Odisha and Maharashtra with 12 MPs/MLAs each."In the last five years, a total of 572 such candidates contested in Lok Sabha, Rajya Sabha and assembly elections. None of these candidates have been convicted," the report read.As many as 410 candidates were given tickets by recognized political parties. 89 of them were nominated for Lok Sabha and Rajya Sabha elections, it said.
"In the last five years, Maharashtra reported the highest number of candidates (84) followed by Bihar (75) who were given tickets by political parties even though they have declared cases of crime against women in their affidavits," the report said.
First Published: Tue, December 10 2019. 13:55 IST
The Petition was also marked to:
Narendra Damodardas Modi
 - connect@mygov.nic.in
What about other crimes? They are ok? more  
Dec 23
Dec 23
Anybody Convicted on Social or Fiscal Frauds MUST NOT BE ALLOWED IN ANY CONSTITUTIONAL BODY . India possess 75 Crores Voters and minimum 7 Lakhs are competent AND POSSESS GOOD CONDUCT , GOOD CHARACTER , GOOD PATRIOTISM , AND BEST SERVICE MOTTO.
Election Commission to realize more  
Dec 20

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