FSSAI must enforce SC Gutka or Chewable Tobacco Ban
Signed 268/3000
Online Signatures: 268

Chairperson FSSAI
Gutka and Chewable Tobacco continues to cause mouth cancer to hundreds of thousands of citizens of India each year and despite the Dec 2016 unconditional ban by Hon'ble Supreme Court on all forms of chewable tobacco, the implementation is poor at best. In most places chewable tobacco is being sold near schools, colleges and the same shops are selling packaged snacks and sodas thereby making students susceptible to trying it.
Citizens collectively via LocalCircles demand that FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) strongly and seriously enforce this ban immediately via state food safety departments across India and start action on citizen reporting.
Citizens collectively via LocalCircles demand that FSSAI (Food Safety and Standards Authority of India) strongly and seriously enforce this ban immediately via state food safety departments across India and start action on citizen reporting.
The Petition was also marked to:
Ministry of Health
Media Professionals
Supreme Court
Media Professionals
Supreme Court
- hfwminister@gov.in secyhfw@nic.in supremecourt@nic.in jpnadda@gmail.com
Transforming IndiaFeb 04
Without education, any change is at best temporary.
Even if the current government decides to ban, there are no guarantees that it will last. The Gutka lobby is quite powerful and probably has the backing of many politicians. So in the not too distant future, someone will over turn the bank or go to court, putting a halt to the process. There are enough systemic loop holes that can be used for their advantage.
Teaching healthy life style is the only way to go. more