Injustice- unable to transfer or withdraw PF of Jagdish Store
Signed 2/3000
Online Signatures: 2

My questions are as follows :-
1. I was working for Jagdish Store from 01.04.16 till 23.02.18 . Due to certain misunderstandings, I was asked to leave on 23.02.18 . As I didnt resigned as per their norms , my full and final was delayed and it was done on 30.04.18 . I was made to sign full and final settlement letter assuring it wont have impact on my PF and other things .In meanwhile I joined Square Dotcom , Gurgaon on 05.03.18 . Due to clash between Date of leaving of Jagdish Store and Date of joining of Square Dotcom pvt Ltd , I am neither able to transfer my Jagdish Store PF nor withdraw it? Both PF Nos. come under one UAN . How to go ahead?
2. Jagdish Store doesnt give offer letter, appointment letter or relieving letter because of which they can take advantage of person like me ? For last eight months I am facing mental harrassments . How to go ahead now ? What to do ?
3. What will happen to my Jagdish Store PF in which PF is there of almost two years .
4. Kindly help on this matter please.
5. For no fault of mine, I had to suffer all these eight months .
1. I was working for Jagdish Store from 01.04.16 till 23.02.18 . Due to certain misunderstandings, I was asked to leave on 23.02.18 . As I didnt resigned as per their norms , my full and final was delayed and it was done on 30.04.18 . I was made to sign full and final settlement letter assuring it wont have impact on my PF and other things .In meanwhile I joined Square Dotcom , Gurgaon on 05.03.18 . Due to clash between Date of leaving of Jagdish Store and Date of joining of Square Dotcom pvt Ltd , I am neither able to transfer my Jagdish Store PF nor withdraw it? Both PF Nos. come under one UAN . How to go ahead?
2. Jagdish Store doesnt give offer letter, appointment letter or relieving letter because of which they can take advantage of person like me ? For last eight months I am facing mental harrassments . How to go ahead now ? What to do ?
3. What will happen to my Jagdish Store PF in which PF is there of almost two years .
4. Kindly help on this matter please.
5. For no fault of mine, I had to suffer all these eight months .
myEPFOct 20