Jobs for 2.5 lacs+ moderately or mildly mentally special boys 18+ at petrol pumps all over INDIA

Signed 7/3000
Online Signatures: 7
Prime Minister of INDIA
Dear PM Shri. Modiji

Sir, I have a request to make concerning to very needy and mildly/moderately mentally special boys 18+, who are burden to their parents.
Sir, there are 54000+ running and 78000+ more comming up petrol pumps all over India, who , if directed and pursuaded by you sir and taken up by concerned authorities, can put advertisement at each of petrol pumps that they will provide jobs of filling air in two/four wheelers to mentally special boys 18+ who are having mild or moderate mentally special conditions and if nearby NGOs working for mentally special boys are informed adequately, Sir, 17 such boys are already having such jobs since more than four years in VADODARA and now they stand on their own legs. But this is on a minischule level.
Dear PM sir, this is a job creating opportunity for all petrol pump owners. If they are directed under CSR, by concerned authorities, they can surely provide jobs to such boys.
This is my humble request.
I am a retired chemical engineer, 79, at Vadodara. My mobile number is 8348459134.
Sir, please do the needful for benefit of 2.5 lacs mentally special boys.
Arvind Sheth.
The Petition was also marked to:
Petroleum minister and petrol pump owners
Excellent information more  
Jan 01
This petition is a win-win situation for the petrol pump owners and under privileged youth. Supporting the community and giving back should be the backbone of Indian government. Absolutely support this petition. more  
Jul 21
I absolutely support this worthy initiative. There’s no cost to the government and it could help many under-represented and under-privileged youth who need a voice. more  
Jul 10
I Manjit Singh Minhas age 63 R/O wadgaonsheri Pune. Joined Tata motors pimpri Pune on 3Nov.1979 .on 24 Aug.2003 Manager S SNaik for to sign me VRS i.e Early separation scheme with lumpsome amount Rs3.5Lac. This was reported to H.o.Mumbai because my left over service was 11 years . They told me that you will get response from Pune plant .on 9 April 2004 my service was terminated without any reason with one month salary only .that me they saved RS 3.5 dues given to me .In month of Jan 2007 I joined Weikfield Pune .in month of March 2007 Tata motors pimpri Pune filled false complain of cheque overwrite and was sent to yerwada jail so lost my job of Weikfield .Case heard in shivajinagar court acquitted without any charge .Now my case on Tata motors pimpri Pune is in Bombay High Court. Civil Writ petition 7041 of 2012 till today no hearing .How one can get justice in India.I am family members of three. I only earning member of my family .This is harassment on me what nobody care even though I contacted to Ratan Tata on phone..So poor person will die without justice in India .Modi will enjoy. more  
Jul 11
I Manjit Singh Minhas age 63 R/O wadgaonsheri Pune. Joined Tata motors pimpri Pune on 3Nov.1979 .on 24 Aug.2003 Manager S SNaik for to sign me VRS i.e Early separation scheme with lumpsome amount Rs3.5Lac. This was reported to H.o.Mumbai because my left over service was 11 years . They told me that you will get response from Pune plant .on 9 April 2004 my service was terminated without any reason with one month salary only .that me they saved RS 3.5 dues given to me .In month of Jan 2007 I joined Weikfield Pune .in month of March 2007 Tata motors pimpri Pune filled false complain of cheque overwrite and was sent to yerwada jail so lost my job of Weikfield .Case heard in shivajinagar court acquitted without any charge .Now my case on Tata motors pimpri Pune is in Bombay High Court. Civil Writ petition 7041 of 2012 till today no hearing .How one can get justice in India.I am family members of three. I only earning member of my family .This is harassment on me what nobody care even though I contacted to Ratan Tata on phone..So poor person will die without justice in India .Modi will enjoy. more  
Jul 11

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