Noida Parking
Signed 12/3000
Online Signatures: 12

Improper Parking and improperly allotted parking spaces creates a major traffic nuisance not to mention the possibilities of accidents as more than half the road is taken for parking. Children getting of school buses are required to get off almost on the middle of the road as buses cannot come nearer to the foot path as the space devoted to parking. Parking contractors in most of the cases go beyond the designated line to get more money and in the process create serious road block.
Offices in residential areas lead to even worse problems as many offices it seems have let out their basement for offices instead of parking.
Nodia Authority should designate land in each sector specifically for parking and ensure that all office cars are parked there; run a shuttle service if required from office to parking and vice versa.
After all it si additional revenue for the authority.
Offices in residential areas lead to even worse problems as many offices it seems have let out their basement for offices instead of parking.
Nodia Authority should designate land in each sector specifically for parking and ensure that all office cars are parked there; run a shuttle service if required from office to parking and vice versa.
After all it si additional revenue for the authority.
Do SSP consider this or Noida authority will look... more