Open Vaccination for young people who are mobile & potential super spreaders

Signed 5/3000
Online Signatures: 5
Covid Mortality and Active cases are on rise . We have a huge young working class , which can not be catergorised as front line workers but are otherwise highly mobile . They are the bread earners , young with better immunity . Hence many of them are asymtomatic but potential carriers . To break the chain , they need to be vaccinated at the earliest . No doubt , the 45 plus are more suseptable , but many of them are over cautious and take precautions but are avoiding vaccination .

Hence, it is best to vaccinate all who work in private sector , PSU , as shopkeepers , as truck drivers and Govt sector , without any restrictions on age . This will break the chain before we are hit by third wave . No doubt we can compare our population to Israel or UK , but we have enough Vaccines . We can allow private medical practisioners to charge extra and provide vaccination to large corporates , BPOs, PSUs , Industrial Estates , etc . It is about time we open up fast for all ages .

USA and many European countries will be thru with its vaccine programmes by June end . We should immediatly start the trails and approval for J&J , Pfizer Moderna . And why not the Sputnik ? Private sector should be allowed to profit from vaccinations , and need their efficiant delivery system now . Let us widen the age band fast before we loose more countrymen .
Compulsory Vaccine to those without Mask and away from Distancing more  
Apr 05
But where from Vaccine flow more  
Apr 05

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