Remove requirement of Succession Certificate
Signed 4/3000
Online Signatures: 4

Minister of Communication
The current rules stipulate that in PPF/ Savings account maintained by Post Office, in case of demise of the account holder without nomination and a balance of more than 5 lakh, the legal heir need to get succession certificate from the civil court for release of money held in the account.
In cases where there is no dispute amongst the legal heir and all are willingly ready to receive the amount in the name of one, the question is why still succession certifcate should be asked for.
Getting succession certificate is not only a long drawn process but also a costly affair and very tedious legal process.
In current pandemic where lakhs of people have died and in many cases the above problem exists, the legal heir are forced to run from pillar to post while though the money is there in the account but still because of this requirement they are struggling to meet their needs.
This requirement should be done away immediately to help citizens get their rightful claim without to do with such long drawn unwanted & costly legal proccess even though the legal heir dont have any dispute as to whom the money should be paid.
In cases where there is no dispute amongst the legal heir and all are willingly ready to receive the amount in the name of one, the question is why still succession certifcate should be asked for.
Getting succession certificate is not only a long drawn process but also a costly affair and very tedious legal process.
In current pandemic where lakhs of people have died and in many cases the above problem exists, the legal heir are forced to run from pillar to post while though the money is there in the account but still because of this requirement they are struggling to meet their needs.
This requirement should be done away immediately to help citizens get their rightful claim without to do with such long drawn unwanted & costly legal proccess even though the legal heir dont have any dispute as to whom the money should be paid.
The Petition was also marked to:
Minister of Finance
Transforming IndiaOct 28