SABARIMALAI a judicial Fiasco

Signed 10/3000
Online Signatures: 10
Russian ayyappas_22102018020334.jpg
Honorable Vice President of India
The recent judgement on the entry of all women into the temple of Lord Ayyappa in Sabarimalai has created more problems than it could solve. Devout Hindus consider it as an affront to their Faith. There is no discrimination against any women. There is only restriction of the entry of women of the reproductive age groups. Just as a doctor would advise this group of women from doing certain activities or taking alcohol or certain medicines, there are sound reasons, both spiritual and practical in restricting women of the reproductive age group from entering into the temple at Sabarimalai. Non Hindus and atheist lobbies are deliberately interfering in the matters that are of spiritual importance to Hindu men and women. It is time that we expose these lobbies that are trying to discredit and bring disrepute to the Hindu culture and society. The situation is volatile. We request the Honorable Supreme Court to review its earlier order, and defuse the situation.
The Petition was also marked to:
Honorable Prime Minister of India

The past judgement of previous SC Chief Justice had thrown the pebble stone on the BEE HIVE that existed peacefully all these centuries. Now it is time to examine and analyse the legality of admitting women in Churches as Preachers and Father etc, and also in the mosque. Will the SC of india will ready to do on parallel to Sabarimala case and take a decision collectively? more  
Nov 23
JUSTICE IS EQUAL APPLICATION AS WELL AS LEAVING RELIGIOUS BELIEF undisturbed as long as the Rites and Rituals do not hinder a Life or Life Lead more  
Nov 23
It is time we make the Nation realize the importance of our customs and rituals. more  
Nov 19
Issues of Equality and Rights/ Liberties have Specific purpose of Civic Rights. They cannot be considered as Absolute .
Religions have Specific purpose and Religious System Practice Shall not be disturbed UNLESS DANGEROUS TO A LIFE OR LIFELEAD more  
Nov 19
Those who wish to go on a pilgrimage to Sabarimala are required to observe certain rituals for about 45 days prior to starting on the pilgrimage. Apart from refraining from eating meat and using footwear (to prepare oneself for the rough trek), an important aspect is observing chastity (refraining from sex). Admission of women pilgrims of reproductive age to the temple will therefore put a strain on the male pilgrims Supreme court seems to have been totally ignorant about this custom or have deliberately chosen to ignore it for reasons best known to them. If and when anything untoward happens, our useless opposition parties and their pressitute bootlickers will have one more reason to blame PM Modi more  
Nov 22
Exactly. Tourism anxiety Shall not question Ritual CUSTOMS AND CULTURE. Religious Beliefs, System, Practice, Shall not be ALLOWED to be Challenged and or Changed by any Section , Class , or even by the so called Secularists .
Nov 19
These issues are meant to keep the citizens engaged between themselves and to prevent focus on real issues like corruption, misgovernance, crony capitalism and so many other major issues. All this is related to the build up to the elections next year. Confusion is the best strategy for politics. Contentious issues like these take up maximum TRP on the channels and real issues are not even discussed or reported. more  
Nov 20
Issues of Equality and Rights/ Liberties have Specific purpose of Civic Rights. They cannot be considered as Absolute .
Religions have Specific purpose and Religious System Practice Shall not be disturbed UNLESS DANGEROUS TO A LIFE OR LIFELEAD more  
Nov 19
Supreme court decision on the Sabarimalai issue is not proper -it has not taken into consideration /views as well as sentiments of Hindus, in the guise of Secularism and gender equality-why particularly,this issue is coming for Hindus only ?,what about other Religions ! Further the Articles concerned for protecting certain practices ,irrespective of certain Rights,ialready is there it has to reviewd again. more  
Nov 20

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