Who's serious to take action against corruption
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District Magistrate Kanpur Nagar
I applied for the family membership certificate after the death of my parents at Tehsil Kanpur Nagar office on 22nd October 2018 , on 27th October Lekhpal Sunjit (Mobile : 7355260637) visited my house for an enquiry to submit report aakhya at Tehsil Kanpur Nagar office. After writing the report, Lekhpal asked me kharcha (Bribe) to submit the report. When I asked about it and refuse to give bribe then he said, are you a juggler and only monks don't give kharcha and you know it. I have recorded this video and I went to Tehsil Office Kanpur nagar on 19th November for the certificate. The Clerk there also asked Kharcha to prepare the certificate and said, It is typing charges to prepare the document and asked 50 rupees. I have recorded this video too. Please, Sir, take a look at this issue and take strict action against corrupt officers. I will be highly grateful for your action.
Transforming IndiaMar 11