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To win votes, if politicians throw money at Farmers, it is bribing voters and should invite disqualification. If not then equal waiver should be given to city middle class (CMC) which lives in cramped dirty area. All loans of city middle class be waived, whether it is auto loan, education loan or housing loan. CMC is also a vote bank
I am a citizen of India. I am a Tax payer. My money is wasted by governments, State & Central in buying votes of Farmers and for ruling party’s own electoral gains.

Farmers are given free / nearly free water, free electric power; low priced subsidized fertilizer, housing & toilets well below cost.

They pay no income tax but enjoy all facilities of life & of this nation.

Farmers have voting power. They do not want to work hard and they do not improve their working efficiency, resulting into non repayment of loans.

a) Their show of production in GDP went down from 70 % to 16 %. Their production has not gone down but other sectors have done very well. Service sector show in GDP went up from 5 % to 55 % solely on its good working.

FArmers have to blame themselves for this situation.

As a result, government (state & Central) are forcing city middle close to buy food at very high price. Sugar is overpriced 100 % due MSP (minimum) given by government to came formers. This shoots up cost of Sugar to Rs.30+, +, + / kg while international price is Rs.20 (-), (-), (-) / kg. Even wheat corn & other creeds and pulses are available cheaper in world markets but government is not allowing import to protest formers at our cost, at cost of city Middle class CMC. We, CMC, are working as hard for the nation as formers in Mumbai local trains, CMC Travel s to work in morning & back home in eve. To earn money for their family and nation CMC pages more tax to nation than formers. In the process, absent 3500 people die every year in Railway Accident with about 10,000 being injured. This finger is larger than overage number of solders that died on border over last 20-30 years. But still CMC is discriminated against. Thus.

Government, both state & central,

1) Have erred in debt write off of formers but strictly extorting money from CMC against
scooter loan & Housing loan

2) Have erred in in giving free / subsidized water & electricity (for forming business ) as
against charging commercially profitable prices to CMC.

3) Have erred in providing subsidized fertilizer to formers at the cost of Nation

4) Have erred in giving high MSP to make formers business profitable at cost of CMC who
pay taxes & also buy food at very high price


Government both all State & Central, be directed to be fair & equitable to all section of societies & all business including farming. They be specifically directed to not pay any such free money to any section of society yo please them for electoral benefits. Such gift of money be debited to the political party which gives it away more  
Nov 11
I am a citizen of India. I am a Tax payer. My money is wasted by governments, State & Central in buying votes of Farmers and for ruling party’s own electoral gains.

Farmers are given free / nearly free water, free electric power; low priced subsidized fertilizer, housing & toilets well below cost.

They pay no income tax but enjoy all facilities of life & of this nation.

Farmers have voting power. They do not want to work hard and they do not improve their working efficiency, resulting into non repayment of loans.

a) Their show of production in GDP went down from 70 % to 16 %. Their production has not gone down but other sectors have done very well. Service sector show in GDP went up from 5 % to 55 % solely on its good working.

FArmers have to blame themselves for this situation.

As a result, government (state & Central) are forcing city middle close to buy food at very high price. Sugar is overpriced 100 % due MSP (minimum) given by government to came formers. This shoots up cost of Sugar to Rs.30+, +, + / kg while international price is Rs.20 (-), (-), (-) / kg. Even wheat corn & other creeds and pulses are available cheaper in world markets but government is not allowing import to protest formers at our cost, at cost of city Middle class CMC. We, CMC, are working as hard for the nation as formers in Mumbai local trains, CMC Travel s to work in morning & back home in eve. To earn money for their family and nation CMC pages more tax to nation than formers. In the process, absent 3500 people die every year in Railway Accident with about 10,000 being injured. This finger is larger than overage number of solders that died on border over last 20-30 years. But still CMC is discriminated against. Thus.

Government, both state & central,

1) Have erred in debt write off of formers but strictly extorting money from CMC against
scooter loan & Housing loan

2) Have erred in in giving free / subsidized water & electricity (for forming business ) as
against charging commercially profitable prices to CMC.

3) Have erred in providing subsidized fertilizer to formers at the cost of Nation

4) Have erred in giving high MSP to make formers business profitable at cost of CMC who
pay taxes & also buy food at very high price


Government both all State & Central, be directed to be fair & equitable to all section of societies & all business including farming. They be specifically directed to not pay any such free money to any section of society yo please them for electoral benefits. Such gift of money be debited to the political party which gives it away more  
Nov 11
The status of Rural India that scores 75% population as preferred in Article 48 in 1951, still lead at the same pitiable status which only Scores Vote Bank Politics seconding the issues of Caste based Reservations ; Freebees and Subsidies instead of providing Adequate Means of Livelihood and Education .
This is why, the BJP lead NDA, the majority preferred National Party in 2014 opted Reforms in several sectors, institutions and Governing Constitutional Bodies. They need another Term with full majority to have a real Constitutionally guaranteed Rule please. more  
Dec 19
Population of Rural India is not 75%, as claimed by you.
Towns & Cities have about 51% population. more  
Oct 17

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