This is the true condition of the medical system, period! The reason is their adaptation of a false premise (“Opposites cure opposites”) and that the goal, when all is said and done, is to make money. First of all, we know that opposites don’t cure opposites, so it’s a demoralizing set-up for doctors, most of what they do ends badly. It’s also fragmented, specialized, one doctor works only on ears, nose and throat; another works only on the rectum, there’s no concept of the patient as a whole. As Robin Murphy says, “Modern medicine has no hypothesis, no laws, no principles about what it’s doing.” So, the players involved in it have no reason to come to work except to make money. It’s not like those practicing alternative medicine who have an actual expectation that they’re going to cure their patients! Consequently, great care is taken because they know what can be done. In orthodox medicine, care is spread out among workers who are merely working for a substandard wage and just following orders, not really part of an exciting process to bring a sick person back to health. For example, it is now customary to drug all patients in clinical settings, such as dialysis, nursing homes, etc., why? Because if they’re drugged they don’t complain, and it makes it nicer for the staff! There’s no thought of, “Oh, these drugs pose a problem of toxicity for the liver and kidneys….” See when you have no principles, no laws of cure, etc., you never think like that. So all that modern medicine is, really, is a one-stop shop for quick fixes, pay your bill, and make room for the next patient!

Elaine Lewis
(This post is taken from a homeopathic magazine) more  

View all 11 comments Below 11 comments
Sir First of all people should learn the Basics , with constant treatment from child hood , our Immune system become very poor . , when Homeopathy triggers the Immune system . so people must help in developing the Immune system . , Oxygen therapy is best in solving most of the disease problem . more  
Sudarshan ji. I have gone though their website and the concerned person may contact the principal of the college, on . The site also give telephone numbers but such issues are not solved over telephone. Thanks and sorry for bothering you. more  
Durga Prasad ji: Thanks for your advice. Man affected is fully aware of all options and doing the needful. As I said earlier, query may be treated as closed. more  
Thanks Ramesh ji and Satyarath ji. more  
MSudarshan ji, if you keep waiting for medicines to be prescribed on a public platform like this or if you are waiting for reports from patients who have got cured or the doctors who have cured such cases, you are loosing time and getting into danger zone. I suggest you take action, consult people then decide on a course of action to be followed. Like I suggested, since you are looking for a homeopathic route, better go to the Nehru Homopathic College at Defence College and talk to the concerned senior most doctors there to find out history of cases they have handled and cured. In the college the temptation for monetary gains is very less. You have professors who are update with the latest in the system and also they have a record of case history. No doctor in practice will ever show you the case history of any patient. I feel you are just undecided. more  
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