Hello all - homoeopathy is a science to treat patients and its a myth that homoeopathy can be learned while reading some books which enlist symptoms without knowing the human body and the diseases. We undergo 5 1/2 years of rigorous training where we are taught Human Physiology, anatomy, pharmacology, organon of medicine, materia medica, obs and gynae, pathology, preventive and social medicine, microbiology, Jurisprudence, radiology, medicine etc . These subjects were taught to us by various homoeopathic experts and other subjects from various experts from MAMC, AIIMS and respective medical colleges.
Homoeopathy is not only prescribing the medicine based on materia medica or repertory but there has to be a clinical correlation based on the learning and looking at the patients for 5 1/2 years. Its a science to treat patients and atleast I know I have been trained by some of the best faculties available. This requires a systematic training, logical correlation, knowledge of various streams in medical science and experiential learning to treat "the most precious creation" i.e. "Human life". I request all to be careful in un qualified people prescribing medicines as it will harm you the most....rgds - Dr Punit Kamrah
+91-9654100066 more  

Dear MR Ratti - the plain and honest answer is "no for the use if steroids" however you are right during my research period, I was appointed to validate the practice of homoeopathy of some magical claims by some homoeopaths, I could find steroid use, polymedicines and lot more like mixing some chemotherapeutic drugs in prescription without the knowledge of patient....There are unethical practices thats what I want to caution all the people/patioenst going for homoeopathic or any other system of medicine, please ask question, bring accountability in the medical system and take care of your health as no one and I mean no is qualified to play with your health. The means provided and acquired while studying medicine is to provide, simple, effective and most harmless way of cure and not to play with the life and health of patients. Yes, formal education is important as various disease conditions need to be diagnosed, investigated and treated. e.g. simple cough could be as benign as URTI or could be as dangerous as arising from cancer, atelectasis , cardiac failure...one needs to know and should be aware of what he/she gonna treat and a formal education will have no short cuts, passbys. more  
Dear Mr. Ratti: At no stage do I want to ignore the hard work and education that people acquire. They are blessed by Godess Saraswati. I believe in that, as I am certainly not qualified that way, nor can I get qualified now. Having said that I must blatantly admit that I am definitely not qualified to question what Punit Kamrah or any such qualified doctor can say or are saying. I am certainly inclined to believe that Homeopathy is getting modernised, whereas the base and fundamentals of Homeopathy is "similia similibus curantur", simply meaning the medicines that are being administered, potentised, are characteristic of creating same symptoms as are manifested. Those being fundamentals along with times, modernisation and living habits, thoughts and so on and on, circumstances have changed and so does applications. Addressing your point straight - many of these homeopathic medicines are made from natural products which are inherently STEROIDs. Some "qualified" or "acclaimed" doctors like "ME" are said to be giving steroids in some blank pills - truthfulness of this is not seen - at least I cannot judge for sure. As an example turmeric "HALDI" is such a powerful steroid and gives so much energy and protection. Other examples of natural extracts are: CALENDULA is a flower (gainda). I am a witness to this tincture working on cuts and blood, not just oozing, spewing blood controlled within minutes and hours - no antisceptics needed, no stitches needed, no residual marks - my brother's foot is one example. Another my younger brother was playing with water in open yard which had glass separators (in olden days). That glass had split which was not visible to the eye and the cut was so deep that whole floor spewed with blood. Cut was not less than 4"-5". All have to believe that whole of it stopped within one hour or so and no side effects, repurcussions. I would blindly advise/recommend this external application wherever cuts and wounds out of cuts happen. Same calendula is not to be applied on bed sores, burns or so on. Apis is extract of poison (honey bee). Cantharis is a herb extract. So we can go on and on. With a combination of modern medicines, to give urgent visible effects, I am not sure if modern homeopathic doctors prescribe steroids - I dare not comment. I can say for sure and with confidence and urge all to use HOMEOPATHY AND TISSUE SALTS. They generate and create inner strength - I don't know if you would term them steroids. One has to use for longer times, not because medicines are weak, but because our habits, living styles, food habits, living conditions are all so corrupted and polluted, that we have no choice. There are many medicines which can be taken as preventives for some happenings etc. I am sure I have talked like "SANJYA JHA AND DIG VIJAY SINGH" of Congress. That is my character as well. Best regards to all. SUBBA RAO more  
As a layman I find this exchange of communication between Mr Kamrah and Mr Subba Rao rather interesting. One can really learn a lot. Punit Kamrah warns: Do not "play" with Homeopathy, unless you've had solid and profound education in this science. And Mr Subba Rao saying that his brother acquired the knowledge by reading books and applying his knowledge "successfully", at least in the case of their father of 92 years. However, without wanting to get into that discussion, I would like to ask Mr Kamrah and also Mr Subba Rao's brother ONE question that has been "resting unanswered" in my mind for a period of time. And the question is: "If deemed necessary for treatment, are "steroids" permitted to be used or are actually used in homeopathic medicines?" I would appreciate a straightforward and an honest answer! more  
Mr Subba Rao - appreciate your spirit and trust in homoeopathy. You are right commercialization and lack of accountability in the medical system and practice in India has taken patients to ride. I was responding to one of the queries few weeks back, the attitude/knowledge/ dedication of the homoeopaths given a feelers to patients as well to take homoeopathy lightly/for fun. I would like to request everyone, please take care of your health, hold some strings in your hands, ask questions about the treatment and how is he/she treating you...but as a thumb rule a homoeopath giving you a mix of medicines, 3-4 medicines at a time, not taking the case in details and giving you high potency on daily basis then please do not visit that homoeopath again as he/she will be harming you more than providing any benefits...ask for prescription, ask questions and report if not satisfied.... more  
Dear Mr. Punit Kamrah: You have rightly said so. Our whole family is an ardent follower of this science. Even I had read many books and have a fair knowledge of Homeopathy and tissue salts. However I do not apply on myself as well! My brother who is again not a doctor but very well read into the subject, gives medicines to all of us and indeed we are away from doctors. Best part, our father aged 92, has had several operations on prostrate gland (thrice), two major operations on hip ball and hip bone recently, is living on urine bag and on one kidney for nearly +15 years now. Best part after all these problems he is still so active and walking and survived all big operations at his age and has emerged out without bed sores of any kind of troubling nature (recently he had a major one at both ankles and on spinal chord joint at hips. He has come out of that purely from my brother's care and nurturing. I have not seen him suffering for any of those. Knowing science and studying some books is one thing and using that appropriately with combinations, individually and in right potency at right time is most important factor. Eg one medicine which is most prominent in certain routine conditions, may not do as good, if basic conditions and or other related factors change. That is highly important. EG, if calendula cures wounds, you cannot apply same where wound is due to burns, sun burns and so on. Similarly same brother had both foot so badly damaged, and fungus spread so virulantly that doctors then said there is no alternative to amputation. This was in 1997. One known neighbour a doctor gave calendula Q to be mixed in warm water and to be applied in continuation. WOW - both foot were back to normal in ONE WEEK with no side effects, no marks, no wounds, and not to see any repeat. And all that had cost then only couple of hundred rupees. Ever since my brother has been blessed with experience, knowledge and dedication. Unfortunately commericalisation has spread into this noble science as well for various other commercial considerations, as patients do not have faith and or patience to see the treatment work. GOD BLESS HOMEOPATHY. more  
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