Did You Know....?
1. Your shoes are the first thing people subconsciously notice about you. Wear nice shoes.
2. If you sit for more than 11 hours a day, there's a 50% chance you'll die within the next 3 years
3. There are at least 6 people in the world who look exactly like you. There's a 9% chance that you'll meet one of them in your lifetime.
4. Sleeping without a pillow reduces back pain and keeps your spine stronger.
5. A person's height is determined by their father, and their weight is determined by their mother.
6. If a part of your body "falls asleep",
you can almost always "wake it up" by shaking your head.
7. There are three things the human brain cannot resist noticing - Food, attractive people and danger
8. Right-handed people tend to chew food on their right side
9. Putting dry tea bags in gym bags or smelly shoes will absorb the unpleasant odour.
10. According to Albert Einstein, if honey bees were to disappear from earth, humans would be dead within 4 years.
11. There are so many kind of apples, that if you ate a new one everyday, it would take over 20 years to try them all.
12. You can survive without eating for weeks, but you will only live 11 days without sleeping.
13. People who laugh a lot are healthier than those who don't.
14. Laziness and inactivity kills just as many people as smoking.
15. A human brain has a capacity to store 5 times as much information as Wikipedia
16. Our brain uses same amount power as 10-watt light bulb!!
17. Our body gives enough heat in 30 mins to boil 1.5 litres of water!!
18. Stomach acid (conc. HCl) is strong enough to dissolve razor blades!!
19. Take a 10-30 minute walk every day. & while you walk, SMILE. It is the ultimate antidepressant. more  

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I am 84 + years old one of the most experienced URINE THERAPY DOCTOR in India. I donot charge any consultation fee. I am CANCER SPECIALIST and the patients who follow all my instructions religiously win.. Blood clot in in any part of the body is avery dangerouos problem. If the clot travels in to blood circulation artery near heart, patient collapses within some minutes.. Some years ago, I had developed ENLARGED HEART PROBLEM. with that problem I had climbed 4 stairs and within 1 hour I got blood clot in right shoulders. After 36 hours I realised the seriousness of the situation. Immidiately I started intensive urine therapy and within 24 hours blood clot dissolved.

Mumbai is was very lucky to have a very good Doctor by name B Rammurthy.. He had told to his patient and good friend that 'PERSON OF 55+ YEARS SHOULD ALWAYS KEEP WITH HIM 24 HOURS ECOSPRIN 75 AND SORBITRATE TABLETS. aND IF HE HAS AT ANY TIME (1)pain in left shoulder (2)pain in heart (3)or giddiness or breathlessness , then he should take these 2 tablets and lie down till he feels better..IF HE IS WALKING ON THE ROAD AT THAT TIME, HE SHOULD GO TO NEARBY SHOP OR OFFICE AND LIE DOWN THERE.. And when he feels better he should straightaway go to hospital and see cardiologist.

Nearly 5 years ago, I had had a dangeours development. I felt that some mechaised toy is moving in my head. It was alarming sign. I imidiately checked my pulse. It was 120 instead of normal 72.. Intuition told me that I am going to get heart attack. I took 2 tablets mentioned above.. After 30 minutes I was not feeling comfortable. So I checked my pulase. there was no improvement. So I repeated the dose.. After another 30 minutes I had massive heart attack.. I was not comfortable in sitting (2) or lying down. (3) i was perspering heavy (4) my voice has become very week and feeble. I immidiately took 3rd dose of the above tablets. In 10 minutes 3 doses in one hour dissolved my blockage.

American URINE THERAPIST MARTHA CHRISTY HAS WRITTEN A WONDERFUL BOOK 'YOUR OWN PERFECT MEDICINE':This book is treasure of information.There is naration of several cases where imminent doctors of world have injected patient'urine INTRAMUSCULAR and has given wonderful result.. MUSCULAR DESTROPHE is considered INCURABLE IN ALLOPATHY. A 7 year boy was suffering from this disease. Upon my advice, boy's father had to inject the boy INTRAMUCULAR. And it showed very good improvement.

Because of age, I am not able to read the messages. Patients who aready to DRINK URINE AND AVOID COOKED FOOD AND LIVE ON FRUITS AND VEGETABLES FOR 10 DAYS can phone me on 9619439665. Website www.theurinetherapy.com mumbai 53 more  
Very helpful thank you sir. more  
Guptaji, I really look out for ur post, whenever I sit on computer, for it's worthiness more  
thank you sir. more  
fantastic tips.. Thanks Brij Gupta ji..! more  
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