My relative is moderately obese. She is recently complaining of extra tiredness after working for a short time in the kitchen or at the desk. Not having restful sleep and nausea at times. Also has been having some times falling ill on a two - three weeks interval. Is it a heart or indigestion or any other ailment? more  

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allow me, ALAN, to give you a rundown on the meaning of the symptoms of your relative. I will take it up one by one and then offer some suggestions- 1. Moderately Obese- means-a strong tendency to run away from emotions, insecurity, some self-rejection, some fears and surely a need for protection.You now live in a state of perpetual fear of feeling ashamed, making someone else feel ashamed or being shamed by someone else. You have built a psychological wall around you—barrier of fat to shield you from the demands and expectations of others. You probably have difficulty saying no and have a tendency to take on too much because you would be ashamed to say no. It is also common to gain weight as a protective psychological barrier against the opposite sex. You may believe that your bulk will not be attractive to the opposite sex and you will therefore avoid being hurt, humiliated or emotionally abused by them. 2. Extra tiredness after working for a short time -means-mind not at rest-Fear of having to be independent; lack of trust in self. 3. Insomnia like condition-Fear. not trusting the flow of life. 4. Nausea-Fear. Rejecting an idea or experience. 5. Falling ill repeatedly at regular intervals-Trying to cover up shameful secrets & resentments. Survivor's guilt. Inability or unwillingness to express one's emotions. Habitually using illness as an excuse to avoid meeting responsibilities. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- you can send 1-2 pages of the handwriting of your relative and i can provide more insights and also the way forward by use of graphotherapeutics and other feedback techniques. more  
try subscribing to They have panel of doctors who answer your questions and give free medical advice more  
Mr. Alan, pls take into consideration the age factor and get the pathological test done, which may reveal some medical facts. Dr. Shefali, I agree with you that common people who post their comments should not do so since they may not be qualified to do so , but it is human tendency that an ailing suffering person looks out for some advice from his relations, friends and associates.And we are all contributing towards it through our experience and knowledge. Dadi maa ka jaduee batwa. more  
AYUSH,please start a separate telemedicine portal where in people can take second opinions. more  
Please consult a physician.I request AYUSH to stop the usage of this site as a telemedicine site. more  
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