1) This issue is Navaratry issue. Spring Navaratry this year starts from 8th April 2016. As usual all readers are being advised to observe Navaratry Festival, as Festival of Health. Although, procedure for celebrating Navaratry as Health Festival is published several times in the past, it is being repeated in this issue under health tips. This is being done for the benefit of new readers as well for those who may have missed something. Besides, some readers who have already acquired some experience by following Navaratry procedure in the past, may like to adopt an improved version.
2) For example those who have been observing it for 3-5 days may increase to 7-9 days. Or those who have been eating fruits may change to fruit juices etc.
3) It is pertinent to point out that those who have followed the Navaratry procedure as advised have universally reported an improvement in their health.
4) It should also be noted that the fasting for a few days does not, in any way, hamper the working capacity of a person. The Prime Minister of India Shri Narendra Modi is a shining example. He was on a very crucial mission in USA during Navaratry two years ago. He was also on a complete fast (Taking only water) during all those days. Yet he followed a rigorous schedule and accomplished all his objectives without any signs of weakness or fatigue.
5) Another example is Swami Ramdevji. He has not eaten any cereals for last 10 years or so. Whatever else one may say about him, no one can deny that he is an absolutely hard working person who has successfully initiated a new exercise movement. Presently he is re-energizing swadeshi movement, which is in relevance with modern India. His efforts are being noticed even by large MNCs like HUL
6) Therefore do not be afraid and go ahead to celebrate this Navaratry as “Festival of Health”.

Observe Navaratry as suggested below


Depending upon the personal body constitution the beneficiaries are divided in 4 categories as follows:

A. Obese and Non Diabetic: Just stop all foods and start on plain Water or Lime water or Coconut water. Use a mix of these for first seven days. Change to Fresh Fruit Juice or Nonsugar tinned Juice, for two remaining days. On the tenth day take a light meal and then gradually come back to normal food in 2/3 days. (Expected Weight Loss, 4-5 Kgs)

B. Obese and Diabetic: Stop all food. Start on Fresh or Nonsugar Fruit Juice for all nine days. From tenth day onwards follow the procedure prescribed for category A above. (Expected Weight Loss, 3-4 kgs)

C. Normal constitution: Stop all normal food. For first three days follow the routine prescribed for category B above. From the fourth day onwards start on Fresh or Nonsugar Fruit Juice. From tenth day on wards, follow the procedure prescribed for category A. above. (Expected Weight loss, 2-3 Kgs)

D. Under weight and first timers: Stop Normal Food. Start on 4 to 5 Medium Bananas and one liter of pasteurized tone milk. Divide this food in three or four parts. Continue for nine days. From the tenth day follow the procedure prescribed for category A. above, (Expected weight Loss, Nil)

Other parts of the Therapy, (For All):

1) Take fresh water Enema every day. (Arrangement available at the Charming Yoga Center, 208 Sukhdev Vihar). Alternatively, buy the kit from the center and take enema at home- Training is provided free.
2) Under no circumstances, consume any fried food, or spicy food.
3) Do not use any so called Phalahri foods prepared from Kattu, Singhara/Rajgira Atta or Saboodana. Do not eat sweets made from milk or above mentioned attas.
4) Drink lots of water. Total fluid intake should be about 3-4 liters per day.
5) Do not stop your Normal Exercises or other Physical activities. Those who are devoting long hours on Pujas etc., should add 40 minutes of walking every day.
6) Those who chant sacred texts like Chandi Path or Durga Shapt Shati etc., do feel drowsy during the chanting. They may, therefore, do the chanting while walking. This will help them chanting without any bout of drowsyness. As a bonus, they will be bestowed with a healthy body.

These steps will definitely improve the immunity levels. And better immunity will help everyone remain healthy and active.

NB. Those who are afraid may try the procedure for a lesser number of days to gain experience. In their subsequent Navaratries they can increase the days to achieve the full course.

Let Maa Durga bestow good health to all the readers.

1) A new disease by name Zica has raised its ugly head.
2) End of winter is likely to bring Dengue. Already some cases of Dengue were reported two weeks ago when the temperatures were unusually high. With rising temperatures of summer, the scrounge is very likely to reappear.
3) All this is happening due to falling immunity levels of Human beings.
4) The normal treatment procedures followed by the government is vaccination etc. But stopping one scrooge is making another appears.
5) It is therefore clear that the final answer is not medicines but better immunity.
6) The health tips this month are aimed at that.
7) Do follow the advice and also maintain hygiene in your homes, neighborhood and work places.
8) Only these steps can stop the existing diseases away and stop others from attacking humans.


Enjoy some Paranthas this month. But make them healthy way.
Boil the desired filling in a pressure cooker without adding any water. (Always use separators in a pressure cooker). Stuff it in your paratha and bake it on a Nonstick Tava. Do not add any Ghee or oil at this stage. Remove from the tava and apply Ghee or oil. This way much less fat will be used and the digestibility of the Paranthas will not be hampered.
It is advisable to eat Paranthas in moderation. Specially, those who are obese should avoid potato Paranthas.
Some fillings while boiling do ooze some liquid. Use this liquid to prepare the dough while preparing vegetables. In no circumstances, throw it away. It contains lots of nutrients.


Editor : Dr G L Moondra.

Group :
Mob +91 9990214792
245, Sukhdev Vihar, New Delhi 110025 more  

View all 12 comments Below 12 comments
Excellent. Health is wealth . Thanks more  
I have never kept any fast. After reading this I am inspired to try at least for 2-3 days. more  
very great suggestions and much valuable service to mankind. more  
Thank you Sir.Continue the good work more  
Good to know, How to do fast. more  
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