is there any type of medicine available in ayurveda,homeopath for the complete cure of arthritis or joint pain more  

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Hi, Check with the following person. Mr. Rajendran (9443405295). He will definitely help you with your problem. Best Regards more  
visit and give the medical details more  
• A rare remarkable Tibetan oil - a combination of Himalayan and Tibetan herbs prepared by monks with 'Chinese herbal preparation technique' -which I had come across in the past while trekking in the Himalayas is found to be extremely useful as works wonders for all kinds of rheumatic aches with results par excellence in chronic Spinal illnesses including cervical, spondylitis, slip disc, herniated disc and abnormal space in the vertebras apart from arthritis and joint pains. What to talk about curing our routine teasers - neckaches and backaches - due to overwork and fatigue which just vanishes in a jiffy. It is learnt the oil is available at Delhi and Bangalore on demand but the details of the contact persons isn’t available with me at the moment but can be arranged if you are in need as I am purchasing it directly from the Tibetan monks staying in my region. Hopefully the above information will prove to be beneficial to all the concerned readers. • Thanks. Tushar Contact: more  
i can suggest u the best way for 1.arthritis-first find psychological reason for arthritis-feeling unloved,criticism, resentment...sometimes a desire to punish.......and what is the treatment for this-use this affirmation, 'i now choose to love and approve of myself. i see others with love.' write this affirmation 5 times each with right and left hands/daily and send your writing sample to me at for further suggestions....will give further suggestions.2.Fore Joint pains-joints represent changes in direction in life and their ease shows trust in the change and pain shows resistance in that change-affirmation to be used,'"i flow with change, my life is divinely guided, and i am always going in the best direction." more  
"COMPLETE CURE" Depends on many Factors.1Age, 2 Body weight, Discipline in food and activities. If one is Overweight has to reduce weight weight bearing Joints cannot take excess weight Hence complete cure is impossible by any system or method. Secondly willing to do certain physical activities even it hurts a little initially Stop eating too uch and sweets and oil fried foods which aggravates weight and in turn Arthritis Chicken or Egg first Logic.. Do simple short slow movements of affected joints NEVER vigorous..Apply any warm vegetable oil to the affected Joint and gentle Massage.. in circular fashion and from bottom up towards heart..PLEASE DO NOT APPLY FORCE and RUB.... Eat 1 clove of Garlic after removing skin in empty stomach everyday till last breath..and drink plenty of water... Have faith in Healing and God... Good Luck May Lord Dhanwantari Bless you more  
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