Can some user explain why Ayurvedic or homeopathic medicines are being allowed to be taken by patients in conjunction with the allopathic ones.
I take it that this is part of an applied research programme oin prescribed medication on us rather than confidence in the said alternative medication? Lvkumar more  

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I will put things in simple words, Allopathy is the instant relief, wherein Ayurvedic is cleanser & set right the system & Homeopathy works on tissues. It's myth that Homeopathy treatment takes time, (though it is not instant), if You can explain your problem in detail ,(Like Occurrence, aggravation, allergy to certain food, climate, etc), if these things are explained to doctor properly, the result can be seen as fast within 24 hours. more  
Both are Indian traditional practice ,no much bad effects Still more powerful is yoga concentrate ur. Mind on ur health that will be solved by ur won brain Telnarasimhan Sent from my iPad > On Jun 21, 2016, at 10:15 AM, LV Kumar wrote: > > > Find this email inappropriate - Unsubscribe > LocalCircles is now available on iOS and Android. > > LV Kumar > LV Kumar posted a message in "Ayurveda, Homeopathy, Yoga and More". > Can some user explain why Ayurvedic or homeopathic medicines are being allowed to be taken by patients in conjunction with the allopathic ones. > I take it that this is part of an applied research programme oin prescribed medication on us rather than confidence in the said alternative medication? Lvkumar > Reply Reply to this email to post a comment. > > If you believe that this post is inappropriate for this Circle, report it. > This email was sent to If you don't want to receive emails from LocalCircles in future, please Unsubscribe. > LocalCircles, Inc., 1556 Halford Ave., Suite 290, Santa Clara, CA USA 95051. > 107 Urbtech Matrix Tower, Plot No. B-4, Sector - 132, Noida, India, 201304.Privacy Policy. > more  
Allopathy is symptomatic and gives instant relief whereas Ayurvedic medicines work on systemcure and have no or least side effects. This is the reason to allow Ayurvedic medicines alongwith Allopathic medicines more  
I have gone through the comments of people on this post and most of the common people in this forum are aware of the basic facts about therapies. I would like to focus to clarify some myths and misunderstandings people have. A very commonly accepted or known myth about Ayurvda and Homeopathy is that it does not work fast or is very slow. It is completely wrong. Either it is due to propaganda against alternate therapies or lack of information. It will be clear by my two personal experiences given at the last. It depends upon skill of the doctor and the nature of disease which decides the time frame of getting relief from disease. I am using word "relief", as it is different from treatment and cure type of misunderstood words. In these two types of systems diagnosis becomes more crucial as same kind of symptoms if disease might have different origins, and might have different line or method of treatment. Whereas, in Allopathy mostly symptoms are treated, in Ayurveda and Homeopathy the complete system is treated according to the disease. In my opinion, chronic infections, accidents and in case of life in dangerous situation, Allopathy is the best mode of treatment. However, in normal day to day short term sickness Allopathy is not advisable. Further, Ayurved has a lot of preventive techniques in terms of better health and life and it is the best to get rid of chronic and lifestyle diseases. Homeopathy is also one the best for immediate control of some clinical conditions, as well as prevention of chronic disease. I have two examples from my life. I was suffering from Intestine TB in 2014 May-Jun and undergoing Allopathy medication. But the Fever was not coming less than 104 degree F to 105 degree F even after trying all the Allopathy medicines. This was a dangerous situation. My Doctor was one of the most reputed Doctor. He did not say anything but I could feel the tension over his face. Due to side effect of these medicines and continuous high fever I started getting severe constipation too. Also, I was completely bed ridden. Meanwhile, my wife's driver took me to a Hakim which was very old fellow (prabably following Unani Medicines). He gave me some powders and told me whenever I get fever take this with raw hot coffee (without milk). "I can continue my Allopathy medicine for TB. This will only help to reduce my fever." Surprisingly, it worked like magic. Fever used to go withing 20-30 minutes of taking this medicine. And at least never used to come again for next 8-10 hours. Slowly, due to Allopathy medicine's effect TB infections could come down and fever's frequency and intensity also reduced after a few months. But in emergency Unani/Ayurvedic saved my life. Recently a month back I was travelling to my village in Bihar. My daughter who is 3 years old was having severe fever and all basic Ayurvedic medicines failed. I have not given Allopathy medicines to her yet so did not want to give her. One of my father's known person practices Homeopathy there. I took her there after 5 days of severe fever. He gave a small bottle to smell and same type of another packed bottle to me. "He said to not to give any Ayurvedic or Allopathy medicine hereafter." Even if fever comes again then also do not give this packed medicine before 3 days. Most probably it will not come. If it continues or comes again, give the packed bottle (make it smell for 3 seconds) after 3rd day only. It was around 6 PM. Amazingly, next day morning when she got up, was totally fine smiling and felt hungry as if nothing was there for last 5-6 days. I gave these to of my experiences that every therapy has its own pros and cons. I have many such incidents in my life and I have learnt from them. Also, I have been lucky enough to get good people and Doctors from all therapies who are good and honest enough to their profession and help me out in bad situations. If we are wise and lucky enough, we should go to right person / skilled person according to situation. Unfortunately, there are very few Doctors who are true to humanity, their noble profession and respect all therapies. They are into money making business and criticize other therapies. more  
Unfortunately there are many Ayurvedic doctors nowadays who tend to practice more Allopathic medicine than Ayurveda. My very first experience of going to an Ayurvedic doctor in India was for a sore throat & the doctor wanted to give me an antibiotic. I said, "I have come to you because you are an Ayurvedic doctor, if I wanted antibiotics I would have gone to a different doctor". I have since met many Ayurvedic doctors in India, especially student doctors, training in Ayurvedic hospitals. And as they near the completion of their studies it indeed rare to meet one who was still truly committed to Ayurveda. Why? Simply because they have come through a system of education which has undermined their confidence in natural therapies. What can be done about it? I believe Ayurveda needs a stronger voice. It needs to start speaking louder. It is a better system of medicine but Ayurveda doctors need to know that before the can convince patients. more  
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