Is there any treatment for Keloids in Ayurveda. So far there is no cure in Allopathy? more  

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TRY selicia 200, silicia 30, silicia 12x, silicia6x, silicia3x... go with 200 power and go on reducing by 30, 12, 6, 3..... hope it will recover. more  
A great home remedy for treating keloids is apple cider vinegar because it helps minimize the size and redness of the scar.Apply apple cider vinegar directly on the affected area and gently massage it so the vinegar is well absorbed into the skin.Allow it to dry for a few minutes, and then repeat the process in order to expedite healing. Do this several times a day for maximum results and continue this treatment for four to five weeks. If the apple cider vinegar causes any skin irritation, you can dilute it with water. Aloe Vera Gel is also helpful. more  
Along with homeopathy, even acupressure also will help. But the cure is little slow. more  
Please visit Pathanjali, where you can find medicine Agnijith for Keloids more  
Yes; there is cure in the Homoeopathis System of Medine for Keloids! You may please consult an experiened Homoeopath of your place. Don't become a prey to other Commercial Advertisements of various 'Brands'!! more  
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