3 yoga poses to reduce hair fall

Adho Mukha Savasana
Start with your hands and feet touching the ground. Keep hands perpendicular to knees and shoulders. Now straighten your legs by pushing the hips out and stand on your toes. Push the floor with your palms and straighten your spine. Now, pull your hips down slowly and come back to the starting position.

This is yet another forward bending pose and by far the best yoga for getting a flat tummy. It promotes blood supply to the head and aids in preventing hair fall and to improve the quality, thickness and texture of hair.
Forward bending yoga poses such as adho mukha svanasana, uttanasana, etc. help increase blood and oxygen supply to the face and head, thereby stimulating the nerves of the scalp.

Kneel down on the floor with your spine kept straight and heels together. Place your hands on your thighs, palms facing down. Relax and take deep breaths for 1 minute and then stretch your legs forward. Relaxing yoga poses such as vajrasana helps to relieve tension and anxiety from the body and improves digestion that is yet another cause of hair loss.

What else can you do to reduce hair fall?

Asanas such as Sarvangasana helps to regulate the functioning of the thyroid gland that also plays a pivotal role in hair growth.
Pranayama and other breathing exercises help to oxygenate the body and scalp and which also helps in maintaining healthy hair.
Besides practicing mindful these mindful exercises one should also take care of what they eat and have plenty of water through the day.
For people suffering from tremendous hair fall it is essential to include regular protein intake in their diet; as hair is made of a tough protein called keratin.
Proteins have amino acids in abundance, which are called ‘the building blocks of life’ because they help with the growth of skin, muscle, hair, nails, cells and organ tissues, while also regulating our metabolism and keeping a check on hormone production, and antibodies. That’s why it is essential to eat good quality protein foods in the required quantities to prevent hair fall. more  

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Thanks a lot! more  
Thanks Anu Kaur.I will connect after 24th. Amalesh Dasgupta Sent from Yahoo Mail on Android On Mon, 18 Jun 2018 at 17:08, Anu Kaur wrote: more  
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Very good,Thanks to you more  
Thank you sir for the suggestion , but nothing like getting information at the click from the Table itself. more  
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