6 hair greying myths

Myth 1: Plucking one grey hair will result in three or four more grey hair growing
This is one of the most common myths about greying hair. However, it is far from the truth because by merely plucking one grey hair, it won’t give rise to many more. Grey hair does not grow faster than usual. In fact, experts suggest that as you grow older, your nails and hair growth rate decreases. Since greying hair is usually associated with old age, if you pluck one, it won’t affect the growth of others hairs around it. However, think twice before you get rid of grey hairs so rashly, as it can cause damage to your hair follicles in the long run and result in hair loss.

Myth 2: Stress is the main cause of grey hair
This myth is only half true. ‘Stress is a dumping ground for most conditions for which we don’t know the exact cause for.
However, greying hair has become increasingly common off late even among 15 to 17-year-olds as well. While the exact cause behind this is still unknown, doctors say increased mental stress, as well as environmental stress like pollution, may have a role in aggravating the process, or in triggering it. However, before you go ahead and directly blame your stressful lifestyle for taking a toll on your hair, genetics play a very major role in this. Experts say grey hair is mainly based on your genes and stress mainly just aggravates the process.
‘Premature canities or early greying may occur alone as an autosomal dominant condition, which means occurs in all generations or is hereditary. It could also be in association with various autoimmune or premature ageing syndromes.

Myth 3: Prolonged sun exposure is responsible for greying hair
This myth is true. Before you step out of your house, it is a wise decision to protect your hair, especially if you will have to stay outdoors for prolonged periods of time. Unfortunately, your hair also undergoes an ageing process and UV radiations have been hypothesised to have a role in the same. You can invest in products available in the market which protect your hair from UV rays such as sunscreens designed specifically for hair. They can help in delay UV rays mediated damage to your precious hair. You could also consider investing in amla oil to nourish your hair.

Myth 4: Dyeing one’s hair repeatedly can cause grey hair
If you love getting your hair coloured, you can breathe easy. This myth is far from the truth. If you’re considering about dyeing your hair to cover the grey strands, go for it as it won’t result in aggravating the process either. In fact, you need not only opt for permanent hair colouring. However, remember that you will need to invest in quality shampoos and conditioners and stick to a particular hair routine to protect your hair from becoming dry and damaged regardless of whether it is greying or not. Use herbal dyes or hypo-allergenic dyes without PPD or ammonia though these dyes may not be as effective in imparting colour uniformly. They are completely devoid of any form of allergens and are far safer options especially if you are also suffering from hair loss.

Myth 5: You can reverse the process of greying
Sadly, so far, science hasn’t been able to come up with a permanent solution to naturally get rid of grey hairs. Over the last few years, the Indian market has seen some formulations which claim to reverse the process of greying hair. Most of these contain melitaine, a biomimetic peptide or agonist or alpha MSH, which is known to play a role in pigmentation. The data supporting this is scarce and many more well controlled studies are needed in this direction. Many of these products contain melitaine ranging from 1% to 5% along with UV blockers that could prevent UV mediated damage to the hair shaft. Typically the person needs to apply the formulation twice and may start noticing changes after two to three months in the form of pigmentation in the hair shaft which further darkens with time.
‘At times, the grey hairs maybe caused due to certain deficiencies. Hair supplements that contain biotin and calcium pantothenate (100 to 200 mg) may help in this regard but results can’t be guaranteed.

Myth 6: Smoking can cause greying of hair
Here’s the bad news, if you smoke, doctors say you are far more prone to greying hair as compared to an individual who do not smoke. Smoking has been said to play a role in the ageing process of hair since it creates oxidative stress. So if you want to have dark and lustrous hair, consider quitting smoking altogether. You can also try these 4 home-made packs to cover grey hair. more  

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Last line of your article says "You can also try these 4 home-made packs to cover grey hair." What are these? more  
Promode Kapoor (Holistic Healer / Marketing Adviser) INTROSPECT NATION / WORLD is ready with the ILLNESS Industries of HOSPITALISATION WHAT IS WELLNESS ? KEEPING Healthy - is it possible - No - V do not like to admit it but V R afraid to remain Healthy Experience Healthy Life. earn more about Health - Wealth V R willing to pay more for medical insurance - let young people also visit Hospitals Why? Lack of Education of Food - Nutrition - Neutrients - what are these words for ? Dieticians are learning to support Doctors - So why this is not helping Why have V lost faith on Nutrients? Dr. Hippocrates is Honoured - Doctors take the Hippocratic Oath? Why take an Oath in his name - To Give better Service to theSociety Good - but do they Follow what else he had said "Let Food B Thy Medicine and Not Medicine Thy Food" . . Interesting Thanks to Dr. Karen Vieira, Scientist from the Unoversity of Florida, for her works on Sickle Cells, Nutritious Neutrients, Kraft Food for NASA Astranouts & Wellness. The only Food supplement NUTRAMATRIX PLUS certified as Ayurveda Medicine made of 10 Vegetables. CELLERIK for Organ Repairs from 6 Fruits. Prevention Is Better than Cure sounds Good but WHY BELIEVE - "I will fall sick" Who will Teach Whom? How to believe this will Prevent? Best is that it is healing - healing unbelieveable diseases - but how can it heal my disease or prevent me from diseases. Want to experience - help yourself n Join this movement Can U? U Can - call 9331570114 - email kpromode@yahoo.co.in - meet - I am in Kolkata and have friends around who have benefited in other cities. . .for Diabetes, Thalassemia Cancer and a host of other Diseases. Me - saved myself from going nuts - high bp - weight loss - skin improvement etc.. more  
Good information but it seems incomplete. Certain skin diseases like seborrhic dermatitis and dandruff may have some role to play in hastening the pace of greying. more  
There may be some truth in some of the myths. more  
Nice one .... more  
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