9 Stretches to Deal with Joint Pains.

9 Stretches to Deal with Joint Pains.

One of the most common health issues in seniors is joint pains and aches. With every movement, you can feel the stress on your joints, but just like a rusty hinge, joints can be “lubricated” too. Since we’re not made of metal, our lubrication is done through stretches and exercising. This article will provide you with an array of information about joint pains and the exercises that help ease them.

What are Joints?
Joints are the places where our bones connect. They provide physical support and provide our body with a range of motions. Any damage to the joints, from force-related to infection-related, may hinder our ability to move, and is often accompanied by pain. Joint pains are quite common; with about a third of the population suffer from one form of it or another. The most common pains are in the knees, shoulders, and the thighs. The older we get, the more likely it is that we’ll suffer from joint pains.
What are Joint Pains?
Joint pains can be weak or strong, and can be acute - lasting from one to two weeks, or chronic – lasting for several months. Whether it’s a strong pain or a weak one, it lowers our quality of life and must be treated. Treatment can be done by taking medication, through alternative medicine, or by performing simple, daily exercises.
By exercising the muscles around the joints, you can strengthen them, thus improving your control over those joints. This will also help reduce joint-related pains.
Knee Pains
As mentioned before, knee pains are the most common of all joint pains. They become noticeable when going up a flight of stairs, which is when the pressure on the knee is quadrupled. In severe joint pains, even walking becomes a painful experience.
Pillow Squeeze
This exercise will help you strengthen your inner thighs and improve the support to the knees.
• Lie on your back, with your knees bent.
• Put a pillow between your knees.
• Squeeze the pillow with both knees for 5 seconds and release.
• Perform two sets of ten repetitions.
• If the exercise is too difficult, start by doing it while sitting on a chair.
• Pillow Squeeze

From Sitting to Standing
This exercise will help you when transitioning between sitting and standing, making it easier to straighten your knees.
• Place two pillows on a chair and sit on them. Maintain an upright posture with both feet flat on the floor.
• Use your leg muscles to slowly and smoothly stand up.
• Slowly sit back down.
• Pay attention that your knees do not move forward and pass your toe line.
• Try doing this with your hands crossed against your chest and when they’re hanging at your sides.
• If the exercise is too difficult, add a pillow or two, or use a chair with armrests to use as leverage.

From Sitting to Standing
Thigh Joint Pains
The largest joint in the human body, the thigh joint supports most of the body weight and is a key component in maintaining one’s balance. Since these joints are critical for walking, any pain there can debilitate a person. Chronic pains in this region become more common with age.
Bridge Exercise
A simple exercise you can perform every morning, which loosens the thigh joint. This makes it easier to move these joints throughout the day.
• Lay down on the floor with your back down and your legs bent. Your feet must be pressed against the floor.
• Lift your pelvis by pushing with your ankles. Keep your stomach muscles hard and your knees in line with your ankles. Your body should be a straight line from your shoulders to your feet.
• Stay in this position for 3-5 seconds, and then lower your pelvis back to the floor slowly.
• Repeat ten times.

Bridge Exercise
Classic Leg Lift
If you have pain on one side, lay down on the opposite side. This can be done on the carpet or on a yoga mat.
• Raise the sore leg 6 inches (15cm) from the floor. Hold it in the air for 2-3 seconds
• Slowly lower your leg back down to the floor.
• Perform 10 repetitions. If possible, do the same for the other leg, but if you’re in too much pain – stop.

Classic Leg Lift
Shoulder Joint Pains
Another common joint pain is shoulder pain, which is most common in people who perform repetitive movements with their shoulders, of those who spend long hours at a desk, or in front of a computer.
Shoulder Stretches
You will need a fitness elastic band for this exercise. This type of exercise is a great way to strengthen your shoulder muscles, as well as improve their elasticity and range of motion.
• Secure the band to an object at waist-height.
• Grasp the band and stand with your back to the securing object. Take a step so that the band is stretched a little.
• Keep your arm straight and lift it upwards until it is parallel to the floor. Pay attention not to lift your shoulder.
• Keep your arm in that position for a second, and then slowly lower it back to the starting position.
• Perform 15 repetitions.
It’s recommended to perform this exercise in different variation and to different directions, as shown in the images below.

Shoulder Stretches

Wrist Pains
Wrist pains can be the result of inflammations or repetitive actions such as typing on a computer, or even using kitchen utensils. These pains can appear as weakness in the palm, making it difficult to perform everyday tasks, like opening a jar.
Fist Stretch
Do these exercises whenever your palm feels weak, sore, or stiff.
• Open your palm and stretch your fingers outwards.
• Close your fists and stay in this position for a few seconds.
• Straighten and stretch your fingers again.
• Perform several repetitions a few times a day.

Fist Stretch
Finger Stretch
• Reach out with your right hand, palm facing down.
• Use your other hand to slowly pull the 4 fingers in that hand back.
• Try and provide resistance with your other hand. Make sure to stop if you reach a point where it hurts.
• Perform 10 repetitions for each hand.
Elbow Pains
The elbow plays a vital role in the arm’s movement. Repetitive motions that can lead to pain in the elbow could be playing tennis, washing windows, or even working with a screwdriver. These stretches should be performed 3 times a day, assuming they don’t hurt, or add to existing pain.
Stretch and Straighten
• Stand straight with your arms to the side of your body.
• Bend your hands towards your chest, so that only the forearm moves.
• Perform 10-20 repetitions. Stop if it starts hurting.

Stretch & Straighten
Forearm Twist
• Keep your hands tight against your body.
• Bend your forearms and keep them in a 90-degree angle.
• Twist your wrists to face up, then down again.
• Perform 10-20 repetitions for each hand. Stop if it starts hurting. more  

View all 6 comments Below 6 comments
u r doing one yoga It gives pain. B in that position for 2 to 3 minutes.The pain disappears.U continue that. It gives good result. more  
These are good, but be careful that if you have had shiatica pain at any time then totally avoid exercises of any type. Just walk and that also not too fast. You shall be better off and would avoid a relapse. Personal experience. No medical theory behind it. Just keep your joints safe and sound without any great load - walking fast loads 10 times normal - both your knees & hip joint where the latter affects your shiatica nerve. Just sharing my personal experience. I had a relapse 3 times when I started normal stretches, but when I stopped them and kept walking, no relapse for almost a year now. more  
very very use full advice Mr. Chandra thanks a lot more  
Thanks, Sir. Esteemed regards. more  
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