1. The following home remedy is helpful for all cancer patients, including leukemia. ingredients a. 3 leaves of Aloe vera b. honey - 500 gms (honey of small bees preferred) c. Alcohol (Brandy/Whisky) -4 table spoon Remove the skin of Aloe Vera, mix well with others in a mixer, and keep it in fridge. Take one teaspoon thrice a day on empty stomach (or 15 minutes before food) for 10 days. Discontinue for next 10 days. Again resume the same pattern, till disease is cured. 2. Always take any food medicine or water while mentally chanting your ishta mantra or Guru mantra. If you don't have one, use Mrityunjaya mantra. It helps to either cure the disease or ensures a painless and peaceful death, if it is due. 3. Completely cut down any use of white sugar. Use honey (not with hot food/ drinks), or country sugar or palm sugar. Sugar in blood is the main source of energy for cancer cells to divide and grow. Minimize carbohydrates, compensate with more organic vegetables, nuts and sprouted pulses. 4. Before sunset collect 7 tulasi leaves, 1 bilwa leaf, 1 leaflet of neem, 1 leaf of soursop (graviola) 1 leaflet of Laxmi taru (whichever available. curry leaves, Dhruva grass, red spinach, or papaya leaf may be used as substitutes). Put it in water kept in a copper / bronze / brass glass overnight. Mix well in a mixer, along with an Amla (seed removed) filter and take it as soon as one rise from bed in the morning. Additional tips:- Keeping the water vessel on a magnet is more helpful. If possible drop a pure gold coin and silver coin also in the water at night. If you can afford a panchaloha glass, there is no need of gold or silver coins. May add lemon, ginger and honey for more taste. Instead of water cold green tea may also be used. One table spoon of urine from country cow feeding on grass and hay only may be added to enhance the curing power. Repeat the process in morning, keep the water with medicinal leaves, exposed to sun, and drink the green juice before going to bed. 5. Do not use iodised salt. Use a mixture of sea salt and rock salt. 6. Raw onion, tomato and imli have oxalic acids. When cooked along with vegetables, containing minerals, this acid reacts with the natural minerals and forms oxalate compound of the same thus making the mineral unfit for absorption by the body. They are good as salads. 7. Walk an hour barefoot within two hours of sunrise and 2 hours prior to sunset exposing body to get maximum sunlight. When you walk bare foot, important glands in the brain's center called the pineal gland, pituitary, hypothalamus, thalamus and amygdala are activated. Practice sun gazing during first hours of sunrise and last hours of sunset standing on earth, same spot, same time. First day, during the safe hours, look for a maximum of 10 seconds. Second day look for 20 seconds at the rising sun adding ten seconds every succeeding day. So at the end of 10 continuous days of sun gazing you will be looking at the sun for 100 seconds i.e. 1 minute and 40 seconds. The solar energy passing through the human eye are charging the hypothalamus tract. The vital organs are dependent on certain sun color: Kidney red, Heart yellow, Liver green etc. Colors reach the organs and address any deficiencies. Psychiatrists are observing that sadness is caused by lack of sunlight. With the practice of sungazing you will not have depression in your whole lifetime. You will achieve a perfect balance of mind. After 3-4 months you can become cured of your physical ailments with autosuggestion, which is imagining and visualizing healing your ailments while gazing at the sun. 7.5 months and 35 min of sun gazing is when hunger starts going down palpably. No one needs to eat more than his or her hunger levels. After nine months or when you reach to a 44 minutes level, you should give up sun gazing since solar science prohibits further gazing for the sake of eye care. 8. Aswagangha (witheria somnifera) and asparagus are good ayurvedic remedies for cancer. Place the cooked asparagus in a blender and liquefy to make a puree, and store in the refrigerator. Take 4 full tablespoons twice daily, morning and evening. Patients usually show some improvement in from 2-4 weeks. It can be diluted with water and used as a cold or hot drink. It has been reported by the US National Cancer Institute, that asparagus is the highest tested food containing glutathione, which is considered one of the body's most potent anticarcinogens and antioxidants. 9. The existence of cancer is a message from the person’s immune system, telling them that they need to let go of certain stressful emotions, resolve internal conflicts, and create a life worth living. Create a sense of mission. Set up future goals aligned with that mission. Heal grief and depression. Let go of resentment and anger. Learn skills to express emotion effectively. Resolve internal and external conflicts. Develop a proactive coping style rather than a passive/helpless one.