Air Pollution - You are being killed - Do read

It's crazy how everyone is getting so steamed up about this smog thing. Ok, that might be a poor choice of words, but seriously. Why's everyone so angry? Don't be angry. You were dying anyway.

As in, we're all dying, right? Circle of life and death, ashes to ashes, the serpent eating its tail, one ring to rule them all. Ok, I might have gotten mixed up there but you get the point. We're all dying, in a sense, as soon as we're born. It's the natural order of things. So why should you get angry about a few days of smog? It's not like it's killing you, right? Except you should, and it is. You shouldn't be angry that you're dying. You should be furious that you're getting killed. Because that's what's happening.

You, the person reading this. You are being killed. Your children are being killed, your parents are being killed, and your friends are being killed. And the people whom you elected to serve you are party to it (at worst) or merely ignoring the genocide (at best). Because make no mistake. This is slow, this is insidious, but this is murder. You're being murdered, along with everyone you care about and who live in your National Capital Region. That's 25 million people collectively, slowly being killed. And that, boys and girls is genocide. It may be genocide via neglect, but semantics don't really matter in the face of rapidly decreasing lung function.

The government doesn't care about you. Why should it? There's a replacement for the guy who'll replace your replacement. One point three billion strong, remember? And counting. You may be a unique snowflake, dear reader but, despite its mostly tropical climate, there’s plenty of snow to go around here. The later than last minute measures hastily pushed out by the authorities aren’t so much as building a gate to the stable from which the horse has been stolen as it is placing an ineffective barrier to the stable in which the horse has been carved up and smoked to make salami (Fun fact: cured meats also contain carcinogens).

And that’s the biggest issue at hand. You cannot turn on the news without seeing doctors stating again and again and again that just the last few days of smog have exponentially increased the chances of getting cancer, never mind the incidence of respiratory issues. Even newborns are being treated for breathing problems at an unprecedented level. The first breath of every baby born in the capital region of the world’s largest democracy in the last few days will probably give them a chronic illness, or worse, during their life time. India isn’t going to be a super power in the future as much as it is going to be the world’s highest user of ventilators.

And yet people are only angry. No one seems to really care that they are going to lose years, if not decades, from their lives and the lives of their children. All the hopes and aspirations that you have for your kids, the great future you want for them? They don’t look really rosy now, perhaps. Just because you’re living in a certain part of the country where uncaring authorities let conditions fester until you’re literally breathing in poison.

You may be living the most healthy possible lifestyle, eating all the quinoa and omega 3 fats you can buy at premium prices, exercising regularly (not running though, I hope), doing all the Yoga aasans you can find online, and generally making every effort to stay healthy, but you’re going to get chronic and or terminal diseases regardless. The balanced diet and regular exercise you try and ensure for your kids? Not going to be much help given that most of them are going to get chronic Bronchitis, Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (COPD), chronic asthma, or the most chronic one of them all, cancer, because the city you live, work and raise your children in breathes in government-sanctioned poison. Your parents whom you brought to live the city, close to first rate medical care facilities and amenities? They’ll get to experience the gamut off all those facilities, no fear.

And the weird thing is that while people may be complaining, no one is really taking this as seriously as they should. We’re all muttering of course, non-government bodies are raising all the clamor, and meanwhile the authorities are hoping all this noise will drown out the real warning: the administration doesn’t care.

Every other city in the world which has faced similar issues with smog has dealt determinedly and successfully with the issue, from Los Angeles to Beijing to London. Even if there has been a particularly dangerous incident like the 1952 Great Smog of London, authorities swung into action to ensure it wasn’t repeated. Meanwhile, Delhi was in the same situation last winter; literally. Every person who was lauding or criticizing the Odd-Even scheme last year is doing the exact same thing this year, with only the coughing having gone up.

And maybe that’s what really matters. Maybe the government doesn’t care (apart from its Constitutionally-guaranteed apathy) because we don’t care. We cough, we complain, we hashtag and then we move on. It’s not like we’re dying today, right? And hopefully we’ll be dead before the next generation can blame their lifetime of respiratory illnesses on us. Also, the Delhi politicians and their kids and grandkids are going to be coughing and wheezing and dying right along beside us. So that’s nice of them.

So don't be angry. Be furious. Be furious that you and everyone you care about who lives in this city are all victim to a slow and silent genocide. Be furious that your government doesn't care. Be furious that they’re also stupid, apart from uncaring, because they’re dying right along with us. Be furious that the system has broken. Be incensed. Be enraged. But don't be angry.

The above post is composed by Shantanu David and shared by me because its so true. We are careless Indians with a short term view. Thanks, Mala more  

View all 8 comments Below 8 comments
Thought provoking mails are no doubt longer versions as the Full Circle needs to be completed without any shortcut angles. Yes, we are dying due to carelessness and it shows in how we live a life of falsehood by deviating and reacting to every other person, things, events and happenings which does not even concern us. While Delhi people are gasping and taking in polluted air, one idiot politician goes about distributing crackers for celebrating Diwali just to be in lime-light. November/December & January are peak months for Great Punjabi Weddings - which also won't be complete without fire-crackers so while the Center and States fight it out over pollutions, educated youths get married in a show of pomp spreading more pollution. So everybody is contributing and it is not just the farmers in Haryana, Punjab & U.P. After the violation of Supreme Court order of Ban on fire-crackers were blatantly brushed aside by politicians, the esteemed Court has become like Manmohan Singh - Silent. Today Ms.Mariela Cruz Alvares - Ambassador of Costa Rica Republic has lambasted the Pollution of Delhi using the words - I am coughing with Delhi Bronchitis which was the gift of the smog. So not just Indians but even Foreign Nationals are being killed... mass murder would continue and deflection in the form of protest against a Film would be a diversion used by Government and Media to distract people and provide them entertainment before they die....slowly.. more  
Very thought provoking Mala. Except it really is a bit too long for this kind of forum space. Brevity is an art although not sure if it can be an art for life itself! more  
Well, This article expresses people's anguish very well. I have also suggested some solutions in an earlier post on Delhi NCT Air Pollution.Hope it gets the attention of people who make decisions! more  
Well well well. When we are billions, there is only one thing - The human life has reduced value and it is expendable. A few dead makes no difference in this country that mass produces children. We are over populated and malnourished. Pollution is just one of the after effects. more  
well written article by mala , awesome . we the poor sufferers. more  
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