1) Exercise. 2) Apply wet heat from behind the knee. If all this dont work the detoriation has reached a non reversible stage knee replacement is the best course. For more details of treatment contact Dr G L Moondra 999024792 more
Dear Ms. Alka Jain, Warm coconut oil or mustard oil, mixed with camphor, should be massaged in case of stiff and aching joints. It will increase blood supply and reduce inflammation and stiffness on account of gentle warmth produced while massaging. Camphorrated oil is an ancient rebefacient used for the purpose. The Lime has also been used as a home remedy for arthritis since long. The citric acid found in lime is solvent of the uric acid which is the primary cause of arthritis. Other remedies found useful in relieving pains in the joints include green-gram soup mixed with crushed garlic cloves and a teaspoonful of powdered fenugreek seeds in warm water taken everyday. Sea bathing is considered beneficial in the treatment of arthritis. The natural iodine in the sea water is said to relieve arthritis pain. As is well-known, iodine regulates the acid-alkaline balance in the blood and tissues, helps to repair and regenerate worn out tissues and nourishes the skeletal structure. It enters into the thyroid gland’s secretion. The hormone uses this iodine to nullify germs in the bloodstream and to create a self- cleansing of internal toxemia. If sea bathing is not possible, the patient should relax for 30 minutes every night in a tub of warm water in which a cupful of sea salt has been mixed. The minerals in the sea salt, especially iodine, can be absorbed through the skin pores. This will help correct an internal imbalance. The body should be kept warm at all times. Joints should not be bandaged tightly as this limits movement and interferes with the free circulation of blood. There should be plenty of indirect ventilation in the bedroom. Rest is of greatest importance to arthritis, who should not overdo their work, exercise or recreation activities. Constipation should be avoided as it poisons the system and adds to the irritation and inflammation of the joints. Light exercises such as walking, hiking and swimming are beneficial. Maintaining a normal body weight is also an important factor in preventing arthritis. Obesity places excess stress on weight-bearing joints and interferes with the smooth functioning of tendons, ligaments and muscles. more
Osteoarthritis is a disease caused by degeneration of the knee. This can not be cured. erydayA degenerated part of the body can not be reverted back to its original condition. With modern technology it can be replaced. I am a patient of Osteoarthritis for last 45 years. There is no medicine available in India that I have not tried with NO result or relief, except knee replacement. I became almost crippled. Ultimately for about 15 years I took refuge to YOGA and PRANAYAM. I perform every day religiously and I am now having almost normal life at my age of 75 yrs. Based on my experience I can suggest, please consult a yoga expert who really knows, practice yoga and pranayam as per advise and live a happy life. more
In general, knee pains are due to osteoarthritis. This is due to overweight and so the knees are not able to bear the weight. Bets is to reduce body weight by 2-5 kgs and this makes a lot of difference. Regular passive exercises to both knees will help. In general medicines are only for temporary relief. Some of the medicines that people claim to be helpful are only having placebo effects. Even without treatment, osteoarthritis pain can vary from day to day and so one need to be careful to say that so and so medicine helped them. Avoid squatting position, lifting heavy weights and any pressure of the knees. Nothing to beat losing weight and regular exercise. I also urge non-medical persons not to advise about medical conditions. I know of some patients who at the advise of their non-medical friends have taken pain killers to whic they are sensitive and landed in severe reactions and and some even died. So, please be careful about getting medical advise from non-medical persons. No drug is safe and no drug is always effective-but when used within its limitations many drugs are useful. It should be noted that longevity has increased from mere 50 yrs to 75 yrs even in India due to advances in medical knowledge, nutrition, control of infections, vaccines and safe drinking water and hygiene. It is easy to say that there is no treatment in allopathy for some conditions and resort to unconventional, untested and unknown treatments. I the patietn is able to follow the correct measures advised and follow right instructions many diseases are controllable if not curable. Cancer was once a dreadful disease but now millions are living well due to advances in their management. So the best advise is: do not increase your weight as you age, do regular exercise, control your diet, follow healthy habits and healthy diet and avoid excess of anything that is likely to be harmful. Age wisely, healthily and happily. more
You have fatty liver but your doctor wasn't concerned and just said "We'll keep an eye on it." Here's why you need to address it now and how: 1. Liver health affects metabolism...
WHAT IS FATTY LIVER DISEASE? Fatty liver disease is simply the abnormal build up of fat in the liver. A healthy and high functioning liver contains fat, however it becomes a p...
Cancer cells die in 42 days This amazing Austrian drink has cured more than 45 thousand people. You will also forget about other dangerous diseases, such as diabetes, pneumonia, heart at...
was enacted to regulate advertisements concerning drugs and prevent the promotion of remedies claiming "magic" qualities. Under this act, both Indian and multinational pharmaceutical companies, inc...
Sugar is a carbohydrate and like all carbohydrates, they are the source of energy for your body. Your body breaks down added sugar into glucose which helps to provide your body with energy. There a...
Take a look at the Attached picture of stomach, Esophagus and Pylorus please : The condition happens when the lower esophageal sphincter (LES ) muscle relaxes at the wrong time, ALLOWI...
1. Sugar & high carb diet, spike in insulin; take low carb diet: Carbohydrates are blamed for a lot of things, but when it comes to carbs and water retention, the accusation is a fai...
Acid reflux is misunderstood. The stomach needs acid to digest. When acid is high it doesn’t reflux into the esophagus. When low it does. If there’s none it will reflux, but you won&rsq...
A doctor friend who specialises in diabetes is here in Delhi. He told me Heart disease is the leading cause of death. But it’s insulin resistance that causes heart disease, stroke...
By Vikram Gupta
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